দ পৃষ্ঠা ৩৬
- Bengali Word দূষণীয় English definition (adjective) (1) blamable; reprehensible; condemnable; vile; bad. (2) corruptible; liable to be soiled/defiled/disgraced.
- Bengali Word দূষিত English definition (adjective) polluted; corrupt; defiled; soiled; contaminated; vitiated; impure; blemished. দূষিত করা (verb transitive) pollute; corrupt; defile; soil; contaminate; vitiate; violate.
- Bengali Word দূষ্য English definition = দূষণীয়
- Bengali Word দূষয়িতা English definition (adjective) = দূষক. দূষয়িত্রী (feminine) = দূষয়িতা.
- Bengali Word দৃক্ English definition (noun) (in compounds) eye; sight; vision. দৃক্কোণ (noun) visual angle. দৃক্পাত (noun) casting a glance; look. দৃক্পাত করা (verb intransitive) look at; cast a glance (at); take (any) notice of; pay (any) heed to. দৃক্শক্তি (noun) sight; eyesight.
- Bengali Word দৃগ্ English definition (noun) (in compounds) = দৃক্. দৃগক্ষ (noun) visual axis. দৃগ্ বিজ্ঞান (noun) optics.
- Bengali Word দৃপ্ত English definition (adjective) (1) proud; arrogant; vain; haughty. (2) spirited: দৃপ্ত পদক্ষেপ. (3) flaming; blazing; scorching; glaring.
- Bengali Word দৃশ্য English definition (adjective) (1) visible; conspicuous; obvious; apparent. (2) worth seeing. (noun) (1) scenery; sight; scene; view; spectacle. (2) (drama) scene. দৃশ্যকাব্য (noun) drama; play. দৃশ্যত (adjective) apparently; obviously; visibly; manifestly; prima facie. দৃশ্যতা (noun) visibility; vision; sight. দৃশ্য দিগন্ত (noun) (astronomy) visible horizon. দৃশ্যপট (noun) (stage) scene; scenery. দৃশ্যমান (adjective) visible; present in view. দৃশ্য সঙ্গীত (noun) dance . দৃশ্যাদৃশ্য (adjective) visible and invisible.
- Bengali Word দৃষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) seen; looked at; perceived; beheld; noticed; observed. (2) visible; apparent; manifest. (3) considered; regarded; treated. দৃষ্টচর, দৃষ্টপূর্ব (adjective(s)) seen/noticed before; not quite unknown. দৃষ্টত (adjective) apparently; obviously; visibly; manifestly. দৃষ্টবৎ (adjective) (as if) seen. দৃষ্টবাদ (noun) (philosophy) positivism. দৃষ্টবাদী (noun) positivist. (adjective) positivistic. দৃষ্টমাত্র (adjective) just/merely seen. দৃষ্টাদৃষ্ট (adjective) visible and invisible; relating to the present and future life.
- Bengali Word দৃষ্টান্ত English definition (noun) (1) example; instance; illustration; exemplification; type; specimen; paragon; standard. (2) precedent. (3) (rhetorical) parallel. দৃষ্টান্ত দেওয়া (verb intransitive) cite an example; show a precedent; exemplify; illustrate. দৃষ্টান্ত রাখা/ দৃষ্টান্ত স্থাপন করা (verb intransitive) set an example; make a precedent; show/quote a precedent; cite an example. দৃষ্টান্ত প্রদর্শন (noun) act of showing a precedent/citing an example; act of setting an example; illustration; exemplification. দৃষ্টান্ত প্রদর্শন করা = দৃষ্টান্ত দেওয়া. দৃষ্টান্তমূলক, দৃষ্টান্তস্থানীয় (adjective) exemplary. দৃষ্টান্তস্থল (noun) exemplary person/thing; model. দৃষ্টান্তস্বরূপ (adverb) for instance/example. (adjective) fit to be cited as an example.
- Bengali Word দৃষ্টি English definition (noun) seeing; viewing; beholding. (2) faculty of seeing; sight. (3) organ of sight/vision, eye; eyesight. (4) vision; observation; perception. (5) mind’s eye; wisdom; knowledge; cognition; foresight. (6) careful attention/observation; regard; consideration: স্বাস্থ্যের দিকে দৃষ্টি রেখো. (7) view; notion; opinion: তার দৃষ্টিতে. (8) aim: নিশানার দিকে দৃষ্টি ঠিক করা. (9) look; glance; sinister/malicious look; covetous/evil glance: তোমার বাড়িটার উপর তার দৃষ্টি পড়েছে. (10) pupil of the eye. (11) (astrology) (especially sinister) aspect of stars: শনির দৃষ্টি. দৃষ্টি করা (verb intransitive) look at; cast a glance; notice; aim (at); keep one’s eye on; keep an eye on. দৃষ্টি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) cast a glance; look at; behold; regard; consider; notice; take care of; care for; look into; keep an eye on; pay heed to; cast a covetous glance; look at covetously; (astrology) influence (unfavourably). দৃষ্টি পড়া (verb intransitive) look at (something) with longing eye. দৃষ্টি কৃপণ (adjective) niggardly; small-minded. দৃষ্টিকোণ (noun) viewpoint; angle of vision. দৃষ্টিক্ষুধা (noun) morbid hunger which is roused as soon as one sees an article of food. দৃষ্টিক্ষেত্র (noun) (physics) field of vision/view. দৃষ্টিক্ষেপ (noun) casting glances. দৃষ্টিগোচর (noun) range of sight. (adjective) visible. দৃষ্টি গোচর হওয়া (verb intransitive) come into sight/view; be visible. দৃষ্টিদোষ (noun) evil influence of the human eye. দৃষ্টিনিপাত (noun) look; glance. দৃষ্টিনিবন্ধ (noun) (physics) persistence of vision. দৃষ্টিপথ (noun) path/range of vision. দৃষ্টি পথবর্তী (adjective) lying in the range of vision. দৃষ্টিপথবর্তী হওয়া (verb intransitive) come into view; appear in sight; become visible. দৃষ্টিপাত (noun) (casting a) glance; look; notice; observation. দৃষ্টিপাত করা (verb intransitive) cast a glance; look at; notice; pay heed to; fix the eyes upon. দৃষ্টিবিক্ষেপ = দৃষ্টিক্ষেপ. দৃষ্টি বিক্ষেপ করা (verb intransitive) cast glances; cast a side-glance; leer. দৃষ্টি বিজ্ঞান (noun) optics. দৃষ্টি বিনিময় (noun) exchange of glances; attitude. দৃষ্টি বিভ্রম (noun) optical illusion. দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি (noun) attitude; view-point. দৃষ্টিমণ্ডল (noun) pupil of the eye. দৃষ্টিশক্তি (noun) power of seeing; eye-sight; sight; vision; perception. দৃষ্টিশক্তিহীন (adjective) sightless; blind; lacking in/deprived of perception/foresight. দৃষ্টিশূন্য, দৃষ্টিহীন (adjective(s)) sightless; blind; careless; indifferent; paying no heed to; heedless; lacking in perception/ foresight. দৃষ্টিহীনতা (noun) sightlessness; blindness. দৃষ্টে (adverb) (used chiefly as a suffix) (1) at the sight of; as soon as seen. (2) in view of; seeing: অবস্থাদৃষ্টে. (3) looking: একদৃষ্টে.
- Bengali Word দৃঢ় English definition (adjective) (1) firm; fixed; steady; strong; sound; solid; massive: দৃঢ়পদ. (2) firmly fastened; shut fast; tight; taut close. দৃঢ়মুষ্টি. (3) durable; sound; strong: দৃঢ়ভিত্তি. (4) resolute; persevering; steady; steadfast; constant; firm: দৃঢ় সঙ্কল্প. (5) confirmed; established; certain; sure: দৃঢ় অভিমত. (6) categorical; firm: দৃঢ় উত্তর. (7) strict; mighty; intense; violent; severe: দৃঢ় শাসন. (8) deep; profound; unswerving; unflinching; unwavering: দৃঢ় আনুগত্য/ দৃঢ়ভক্তি. (9) unfaltering; firm; steady: দৃঢ়কণ্ঠ. দৃঢ় করা (verb transitive) make firm/strong; make stronger/more firm; strengthen; consolidate; brace; fortify; prop up; harden; steel; buttress; tone up; intensify. দৃঢ়কায় (adjective) having a well-built/strong body; robust; vigorous; able-bodied. দৃঢ়চিত্ত (adjective) firm-minded; strong-willed; resolute; firm in mind; determined; unswerving; strong-willed; single-minded. দৃঢ়জ্ঞান (noun) certain/positive knowledge; firm conviction/belief. দৃঢ়তা (noun) firmness; hardness; solidity; strength; steadiness; perseverance; soundness; severity; constancy; strictness; durability. দৃঢ় তাসহকারে (adverb) firmly; categorically. দৃঢ় নিশ্চয় (adjective) certain; undoubted; convinced; firmly resolved; confident. দৃঢ়পদ (adjective) firm-footed. দৃঢ়পদে (adverb) with steady steps. দৃঢ় প্রতিজ্ঞ (adjective) firm in keeping a pledge/promise/agreement; firmly resolved; resolute; determined; firm in determination. দৃঢ় প্রত্যয়, দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস (noun) firm conviction/belief; strong faith. দৃঢ়বদ্ধ (adjective) firmly bound/fastened; tied tightly; taut; tightened. দৃঢ়বন্ধন strong tie/bondage; close ties/bonds. দৃঢ়বর্মী (adjective) crustacean. দৃঢ়বুদ্ধি (adjective) firm-minded. দৃঢ়ভূমি (noun) firm ground. দৃঢ়ভাবে = দৃঢ়তাসহকারে. দৃঢ়মতি = দৃঢ়চেতা. দৃঢ়মুষ্টি (noun) strong fist. (adjective) (1) strong-fisted (whose grasp is difficult to unloose). (2) closefisted; niggardly. (3) determined; resolved. দৃঢ়মূল (adjective) firmly rooted; deep-rooted; deep-seated. দৃঢ় সঙ্কল্প (adjective) firmly resolved/ determined; resolute. দৃঢ়সন্ধ (adjective) firm in one’s promise/vow; faithful to one’s engagements; firmly resolved. দৃঢ়সন্ধি (adjective) firmly united; closely joined; strong-knit; thick set; close; compact. দৃঢ়স্বরে (adverb) in a firm tone; in an unfaltering voice.
- Bengali Word দৃঢ়ীকরণ English definition (noun) strengthening; tightening; confirmation; corroboration; congelation; consolidation.
- Bengali Word দৃঢ়ীকৃত English definition (adjective) made strong/firm; strengthened; tightened; firmly established; confirmed; congealed; consolidated.
- Bengali Word দৃঢ়ীভবন English definition (noun) act of becoming strong/firm; act of being tightened/confirmed/firmly established; confirmation; consolidation; hardening.
- Bengali Word দৃঢ়ীভূত English definition (adjective) strengthened; become strong(er); become firm(er); confirmed; congealed; become firmly established; consolidated.
- Bengali Word দে ১ English definition (noun) title of Bengali Hindu Kayastha.
- Bengali Word দে ২ English definition Preposition (colloquial, dialect) = দিয়া ১
- Bengali Word দেঁতো English definition (adjective) (1) large-toothed; tusked. (2) displaying one’s teeth. (3) (figurative) insincere; forced: দেঁতো হাসি.
- Bengali Word দেউটি English definition (noun) lamp; light.