গ পৃষ্ঠা ২৩
- Bengali Word গোলমরিচ English definition (noun) hot pungent condiment like the seeds of papaw; the black pepper.
- Bengali Word গোলমাল English definition [Urdu] (noun) (1) a great noise of many confused voices; bustle and clamour. (2) disorder; slate of confusion. (3) trouble; difficulty; problem. (4) complexity; complication.
- Bengali Word গোলমেলে English definition (adjective) (1) noisy; disorderly. (2) perplexing; complex; complicated; intricate. (3) contradictory; inconsistent.
- Bengali Word গোলযোগ English definition (noun) (1) noisy disturbance; a row; an uproar. (2) state of confusion; disorder. (3) a hitch; a hindrance; an obstacle; an impediment.
- Bengali Word গোলা ১ English definition (noun) (1) a storehouse for grain; a granary. (2) a storehouse for goods; warehouse: কাঠ গোলা. (3) centre of buying and selling; a central market. গোলা ঘর (noun) a granary; a warehouse. গোলাজাত (adjective) stored in a granary/ warehouse. গোলাজাত করা (verb transitive) store or stock in a granary/ warehouse. গোলা-বাড়ি (noun) a farm-house.
- Bengali Word গোলা ২ English definition (noun) (1) a spherical object; a ball. (2) a cannon-ball. গোলাগুলি (noun) (plural) cannon-balls and bullets; ammunition. গোলা ছোড়া (verb transitive) bater with cannon shot; cannonade. গোলাবারুদ (noun) (plural) ammunition.
- Bengali Word গোলাকার English definition (adjective) round; roundish; circular; spherical (also গোলাকৃতি).
- Bengali Word গোলাপ, গোলাব, গুলাব English definition [Persian] (noun) the rose plant or flower. গোলাপ পানি / গোলাপ জল (noun) water tinctured with roses by distillation; rose-water. গোলাপজাম (noun) a small whitish fruit smelling like the rose; the rose-apple. গোলাপপাশ (noun) a vessel with a perforated nozzle for spraying rose-water. গোলাপি, গোলাবি, গুলাবি (adjective) (1) rose-coloured; rosy. (2) smelling like the rose; rose-scented. (3) light; slight; mild, moderate: গোলাপি নেশা.
- Bengali Word গোলাম English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a bond-man; a slave. (2) one who is acting as a tool to another; person most obedient or subservient to another. (3) (of playing cards) the knave. কেনা গোলাম (noun) one who is purchased as a slave; a bondman (feminine a slave—girl; a bondswoman). গোলামখানা (noun) (1) quarters for the slaves; slave quarters. (2) (figurative) a manufactory for producing men of slave-mentality. গোলামি (noun) slavery; servitude; drudgery. গোলামি করা (verb intransitive) drudge for others.
- Bengali Word গোলার্ধ English definition (noun) half a sphere; half the earth; a hemisphere: পূর্ব গোলার্ধ, পশ্চিম-; (geometry) a semi-circle.
- Bengali Word গোল্লা English definition (noun) (1) globular and juicy sweets made of the posset of milk: রসগোল্লা. (2) cipher; naught; zero: পরীক্ষায় গোল্লা পাওয়া. গোল্লায় (adverb) to the dogs; to the path of ruin. গোল্লায় যাওয়া (verb intransitive) take to the evil way; go to the dogs.
- Bengali Word গোশ্ত, গোস্ত English definition [Persian] (noun) meat; the flesh of animals used as food. গোশ্তখোর (adjective) fond of meat.
- Bengali Word গোষ্ঠ English definition (noun) (1) a cow-house; a cow-shed. (2) a pasture; a pasturage; a grazing ground. (3) a meeting-place; an assembly. (4) an alliance; an association; a union. গোষ্ঠগৃহ (noun) = গোষ্ঠ (1). গোষ্ঠবিহারী (noun) appellation of Sri Krishna. গোষ্ঠলীলা (noun) pastoral sports of Sri Krishna in Brindabana.
- Bengali Word গোষ্ঠী English definition (noun) (1) a family; a clan; a tribe. (2) a class; a collection; a group: শিল্পগোষ্ঠী, a group of industries. (3) an association; a union; a confederacy: উদয়ন শিল্পীগোষ্ঠী. গোষ্ঠীপতি (noun) the head of a family or clan; a leader; a president. গোষ্ঠীবর্গ (noun) (plural) members of a family; a whole body of kinsfolk. গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত (adjective) included in or belonging to a family/ group. গোষ্ঠীসুখ (noun) the pleasure of being with one’s kith and kin.
- Bengali Word গোষ্পদ English definition (noun) cow’s footprint.
- Bengali Word গোসল English definition [Arabic] (noun) bath; bathing. গোসল করা (verb intransitive) take a bath; bathe. গোসলখানা (noun) room for bathing; bathroom.
- Bengali Word গোসা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) anger; wrath; passion. (2) a sulky fit or mood; a fit of peevishness; sulks; huff. গোসল করা (verb intransitive) (1) get angry; be enraged. (2) be in a huff/sulky mood.
- Bengali Word গোসাঁই, গোসাই English definition (noun) (1) master; lord. (2) God. (3) a title of Vaishnava gurus. (4) word used in referring to husband or elders among the Hindus.
- Bengali Word গোসাপ English definition (noun) a reptile of the lizard family; the iguana; a terrestrial creature like a small crocodile.
- Bengali Word গোসোয়ারা English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) the summary/ salient points of an account. (2) the gist of anything.