অ পৃষ্ঠা ৫৯
- Bengali Word অভিষেক English definition (noun) (1) ceremony connected with coronation; installation; inauguration. (2) appointment; induction; initiation; enthronement. অভিষেক করা (verb transitive) crown; install; inaugurate. অভিষিক্ত (adjective) crowned; installed. যুবরাজ রাজপদে অভিষিক্ত হলেন The prince was crowned king.
- Bengali Word অভিসম্পাত English definition = অভিশাপ
- Bengali Word অভিসার English definition (noun) love tryst; appointment of lovers; a lover's journey to the place of assignation. অভিসারক, অভিসারী (adjective) lover on his journey of love. অভিসারিকা, অভিসারিণী (feminine).
- Bengali Word অভিহিত English definition (adjective) (1) designated; named; called; entitled. (2) referred to; mentioned.
- Bengali Word অভীষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) desired; intended; wished for; aimed at. (2) beloved; cherished; longed for. (noun) object of desire. অভীষ্ট লাভ (noun) gratification/fulfilment of desire; attainment of an objective.
- Bengali Word অভুক্ত English definition (adjective) (1) unfed; fasting; starving. (2) uneaten; unconsumed.
- Bengali Word অভূত English definition (noun) (1) not having been born/ taken place; non-existent. (2) not gone by or passed. অভূত পূর্ব (adjective) unprecedented; novel.
- Bengali Word অভ্যন্তর English definition (noun) the interior; the inside/ inner part. অভ্যন্তরীণ, আভ্যন্তর (adjective) (1) internal; inner. (2) interim. (3) mental. অভ্যন্তরে (adverb) within; inside.
- Bengali Word অভ্যর্থনা English definition (noun) (1) reception; entertainment; welcome. (2) felicitation. অভ্যর্থনা করা। (verb transitive) welcome; give a reception. অভ্যর্থনা সমিতি (noun) reception committee. অভ্যর্থিত (adjective).
- Bengali Word অভ্যস্ত English definition (adjective) habituated; accustomed; used to (something).
- Bengali Word অভ্যাগত English definition (noun) (1) visitor; caller. (2) invitee. অভ্যাগতা (feminine) = অভ্যাগত.
- Bengali Word অভ্যাস English definition (noun) settled practice of a person; habit. অভ্যাসগত (adjective) habitual. অভ্যস্ত (adjective) habituated; accustomed; used to (something).
- Bengali Word অভ্যুত্থান English definition (noun) (1) a sudden or violent seizure of state power by a small group; coup d'etat: সামরিক অভ্যুত্থান. নিষ্ফল/ব্যর্থ অভ্যুত্থান abortive coup. নিরক্ত অভ্যুত্থান bloodless coup. (2) rising into power/ prominence: রাজনৈতিক অভ্যুত্থান. (3) uprising; insurrection; revolt: গণ অভ্যুত্থান. অভ্যুত্থান করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) rise in rebellion; take up arms.
- Bengali Word অভ্যুদয় English definition (noun) advent; appearance; emergence.
- Bengali Word অভ্র English definition (noun) (1) mineral substance; mica. (2) cloud. (3) the sky. অভ্র ভেদী (adjective) shooting through the sky; very lofty. অভ্রমালা (noun) row/range of clouds. অভ্রলেহ (adjective) lofty; sky kissing.
- Bengali Word অভ্রান্ত English definition (adjective) unerring; correct; accurate: অভ্রান্ত লক্ষ, infallible: অভ্রান্ত সত্য.
- Bengali Word অভয় English definition (noun) fearlessness; courage. (2) assurance of safety. অভয়ে (adverb) without fear/ hesitation. অভয় বাণী (noun) pledge of safety/ security.
- Bengali Word অমঙ্গল English definition (noun) evil; harm; danger; misfortune. অমঙ্গল চিহ্ন (noun) evil omen. অমঙ্গলজনক, অমঙ্গলসূচক (adjective) ominous. অমঙ্গল হতে অমঙ্গলের উৎপত্তি Evil begets evil.
- Bengali Word অমত English definition (adjective) absence of approval/ consent; disapproval; disagreement. অমতে (adverb) without one’s consent/ sanction; against one’s wishes.
- Bengali Word অমন English definition (adjective) like that. (adverb) so; such. অমনই (adjective) just like that; just so.