অ পৃষ্ঠা ৫৬
- Bengali Word অবুঝ English definition (adjective) (1) incapable of understanding; not amenable to reason; unreasonable. 2 foolish; stupid.
- Bengali Word অবেলা English definition (noun) inconvenient/ unsuitable hour of the day; late afternoon.
- Bengali Word অবৈতনিক English definition (adjective) not serving for pecuniary benefit; honorary: অবৈতনিক পদ. অবৈতনিক বিদ্যালয় (noun) free school.
- Bengali Word অবৈধ English definition (adjective) (1) unlawful; illegal: অবৈধ সমাবেশ. (2) unscriptural: forbidden in scripture: অবৈধ খাদ্য. (3) illicit: অবৈধ প্রণয়; illegitimate: অবৈধ সন্তান. (4) improper; unfair: অবৈধ উপায়. অবৈধতা (noun).
- Bengali Word অবোধ English definition (adjective) (1) lacking in judgment: অবোধ শিশু. (2) unreasonable; inconsolable: অবোধমন. (3) foolish; stupid; dull-headed.
- Bengali Word অবোধ্য English definition (adjective) which cannot be understood; unintelligible; incomprehensible.
- Bengali Word অব্দ English definition (noun) year; calendar year: খ্রিস্টাব্দ, বঙ্গাব্দ.
- Bengali Word অব্যক্ত English definition (adjective) (1) not manifest; hidden. (2) indistinct. (3) inexpressible; indescribable: অব্যক্ত বেদনা.
- Bengali Word অব্যবস্থা English definition (noun) disorder; mismanagement.
- Bengali Word অব্যবহার্য English definition (adjective) not fit to be used; unserviceable; out of use.
- Bengali Word অব্যবহিত English definition (adjective) being next to; adjoining; contiguous; immediate; next. অব্যবহিত পরে (adverb) immediately after. অব্যবহিত পূর্বে (adverb) immediately before.
- Bengali Word অব্যর্থ English definition (adjective) (of things) never failing; infallible; sure to be effective: অব্যর্থ ওষুধ. অব্যর্থতা (noun) effectiveness; unfailingness.
- Bengali Word অব্যাহত English definition (adjective) uninterrupted; unhindered. অব্যাহতরূপে (adverb) unopposed; without hindrance.
- Bengali Word অব্যাহতি English definition (noun) (1) state of being exempted; exemption: কর থেকে অব্যাহতি. (2) condition of being found not guilty; acquittal: খুনের দায় থেকে অব্যাহতি. (3) release: জেল থেকে অব্যাহতি. অব্যাহতি দেওয়া (verb transitive) acquit; exempt; release; relieve. অব্যাহতি পাওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) escape; get rid of; be acquitted/ exempted/ released.
- Bengali Word অব্যয় English definition (adjective) not subject to change or decay; imperishable; immortal; eternal. (noun) (grammar) word not varied by inflection; indeclinable word (ie. preposition, conjunction or interjection). অব্যয় অব্যয়ীভাব (noun) (grammar) system of forming a compound word by adding a noun to an indeclinable word (eg. অনু + রূপ = অনুরূপ, যথা + অর্থ = যথার্থ).
- Bengali Word অবয়ব English definition (noun) (1) limb; member; body. (2) figure; form. (3) constituent part; portion. অবয়বী (adjective) having a body; corporeal.
- Bengali Word অভদ্র English definition (adjective) uncivil; unmannerly; discourteous. অভদ্রতা (noun) discourtesy; incivility. অভদ্রোচিত (adjective) unmannerly; impolite; ungentlemanly.
- Bengali Word অভাগা English definition (adjective) luckless; unlucky; unfortunate অভাগী, অভাগিনী (feminine): অভাগা যেদিকে চায়, সাগর শুকিয়ে যায়; once unlucky, always unlucky. অভাজন (noun) unworthy/ undeserving person; poor/ wretched fellow.
- Bengali Word অভাব English definition (noun) (1) want; absence; non-existence. (2) shortage; scarcity; indigence; deficiency. অভাবগ্রস্ত (adjective) needy; poverty-stricken; indigent. অভাব পূরণ করা (verb transitive) meet the want/need; make-up for deficit; become free from poverty/ want. অভাবে স্বভাব নষ্ট 1 Want is at the root of corruption. (2) Necessity knows no law.
- Bengali Word অভাবনীয় English definition (adjective) (1) unthinkable; unimaginable; inconceivable. (2) unusual; unexpected; amazing. (noun) anything unexpected.