WPage 71
- English Word Weakling Definition A weak or feeble creature.
- English Word Weakling Definition Weak; feeble.
- English Word Weakly Definition In a weak manner; with little strength or vigor; feebly.
- English Word Weakly Definition Not strong of constitution; infirm; feeble; as, a weakly woman; a man of a weakly constitution.
- English Word Weakness Definition The quality or state of being weak; want of strength or firmness; lack of vigor; want of resolution or of moral strength; feebleness.
- English Word Weakness Definition That which is a mark of lack of strength or resolution; a fault; a defect.
- English Word Weal Definition The mark of a stripe. See Wale.
- English Word Weal Definition To mark with stripes. See Wale.
- English Word Weal Definition A sound, healthy, or prosperous state of a person or thing; prosperity; happiness; welfare.
- English Word Weal Definition The body politic; the state; common wealth.
- English Word Weal Definition To promote the weal of; to cause to be prosperous.
- English Word Weal-balanced Definition Balanced or considered with reference to public weal.
- English Word Weald Definition A wood or forest; a wooded land or region; also, an open country; -- often used in place names.
- English Word Wealden Definition Of or pertaining to the lowest division of the Cretaceous formation in England and on the Continent, which overlies the Oolitic series.
- English Word Wealden Definition The Wealden group or strata.
- English Word Wealdish Definition Of or pertaining to a weald, esp. to the weald in the county of Kent, England.
- English Word Wealful Definition Weleful.
- English Word Wealsman Definition A statesman; a politician.
- English Word Wealsmen Definition of Wealsman
- English Word Wealth Definition Weal; welfare; prosperity; good.