WPage 67
- English Word Way Definition Progress; as, a ship has way.
- English Word Way Definition The timbers on which a ship is launched.
- English Word Way Definition The longitudinal guides, or guiding surfaces, on the bed of a planer, lathe, or the like, along which a table or carriage moves.
- English Word Way Definition Right of way. See below.
- English Word Way Definition To go or travel to; to go in, as a way or path.
- English Word Way Definition To move; to progress; to go.
- English Word Way shaft Definition A rock shaft.
- English Word Way shaft Definition An interior shaft, usually one connecting two levels.
- English Word Way-going Definition Going away; departing; of or pertaining to one who goes away.
- English Word Way-goose Definition See Wayz-goose, n., 2.
- English Word Way-wise Definition Skillful in finding the way; well acquainted with the way or route; wise from having traveled.
- English Word Waybill Definition A list of passengers in a public vehicle, or of the baggage or gods transported by a common carrier on a land route. When the goods are transported by water, the list is called a bill of lading.
- English Word Waybread Definition The common dooryard plantain (Plantago major).
- English Word Waybung Definition An Australian insessorial bird (Corcorax melanorhamphus) noted for the curious actions of the male during the breeding season. It is black with a white patch on each wing.
- English Word Wayed Definition Used to the way; broken.
- English Word Wayfare Definition To journey; to travel; to go to and fro.
- English Word Wayfare Definition The act of journeying; travel; passage.
- English Word Wayfarer Definition One who travels; a traveler; a passenger.
- English Word Wayfaring Definition Traveling; passing; being on a journey.
- English Word Waygate Definition The tailrace of a mill.