WPage 38
- English Word Wash Definition A mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings, used in the West Indies for distillation.
- English Word Wash Definition That with which anything is washed, or wetted, smeared, tinted, etc., upon the surface.
- English Word Wash Definition A liquid cosmetic for the complexion.
- English Word Wash Definition A liquid dentifrice.
- English Word Wash Definition A liquid preparation for the hair; as, a hair wash.
- English Word Wash Definition A medical preparation in a liquid form for external application; a lotion.
- English Word Wash Definition A thin coat of color, esp. water color.
- English Word Wash Definition A thin coat of metal laid on anything for beauty or preservation.
- English Word Wash Definition The blade of an oar, or the thin part which enters the water.
- English Word Wash Definition The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer's screw or paddles, etc.
- English Word Wash Definition The flow, swash, or breaking of a body of water, as a wave; also, the sound of it.
- English Word Wash Definition Ten strikes, or bushels, of oysters.
- English Word Wash Definition Washy; weak.
- English Word Wash Definition Capable of being washed without injury; washable; as, wash goods.
- English Word Wash-off Definition Capable of being washed off; not permanent or durable; -- said of colors not fixed by steaming or otherwise.
- English Word Washable Definition Capable of being washed without damage to fabric or color.
- English Word Washboard Definition A fluted, or ribbed, board on which clothes are rubbed in washing them.
- English Word Washboard Definition A board running round, and serving as a facing for, the walls of a room, next to the floor; a mopboard.
- English Word Washboard Definition A broad, thin plank, fixed along the gunwale of boat to keep the sea from breaking inboard; also, a plank on the sill of a lower deck port, for the same purpose; -- called also wasteboard.
- English Word Washbowl Definition A basin, or bowl, to hold water for washing one's hands, face, etc.