WPage 144
- English Word Widewhere Definition Widely; far and wide.
- English Word Widgeon Definition Any one of several species of fresh-water ducks, especially those belonging to the subgenus Mareca, of the genus Anas. The common European widgeon (Anas penelope) and the American widgeon (A. Americana) are the most important species. The latter is called also baldhead, baldpate, baldface, baldcrown, smoking duck, wheat, duck, and whitebelly.
- English Word Widish Definition Moderately wide.
- English Word Widmanstatten figures Definition Certain figures appearing on etched meteoric iron; -- so called after A. B. Widmanstatten, of Vienna, who first described them in 1808. See the Note and Illust. under Meteorite.
- English Word Widow Definition A woman who has lost her husband by death, and has not married again; one living bereaved of a husband.
- English Word Widow Definition Widowed.
- English Word Widow Definition To reduce to the condition of a widow; to bereave of a husband; -- rarely used except in the past participle.
- English Word Widow Definition To deprive of one who is loved; to strip of anything beloved or highly esteemed; to make desolate or bare; to bereave.
- English Word Widow Definition To endow with a widow's right.
- English Word Widow Definition To become, or survive as, the widow of.
- English Word Widow bird Definition See Whidan bird.
- English Word Widow-hunter Definition One who courts widows, seeking to marry one with a fortune.
- English Word Widow-maker Definition One who makes widows by destroying husbands.
- English Word Widow-wail Definition A low, narrowleaved evergreen shrub (Cneorum tricoccon) found in Southern Europe.
- English Word Widowed Definition of Widow
- English Word Widower Definition A man who has lost his wife by death, and has not married again.
- English Word Widowerhood Definition The state of being a widower.
- English Word Widowhood Definition The state of being a widow; the time during which a woman is widow; also, rarely, the state of being a widower.
- English Word Widowhood Definition Estate settled on a widow.
- English Word Widowing Definition of Widow