WPage 141
- English Word Whydah bird Definition Alt. of Whydah finch
- English Word Whydah finch Definition The whidah bird.
- English Word Wich Definition A variant of 1st Wick.
- English Word Wich Definition A street; a village; a castle; a dwelling; a place of work, or exercise of authority; -- now obsolete except in composition; as, bailiwick, Warwick, Greenwick.
- English Word Wich Definition A narrow port or passage in the rink or course, flanked by the stones of previous players.
- English Word Wichitas Definition A tribe of Indians native of the region between the Arkansas and Red rivers. They are related to the Pawnees. See Pawnees.
- English Word Wick Definition Alt. of Wich
- English Word Wick Definition A bundle of fibers, or a loosely twisted or braided cord, tape, or tube, usually made of soft spun cotton threads, which by capillary attraction draws up a steady supply of the oil in lamps, the melted tallow or wax in candles, or other material used for illumination, in small successive portions, to be burned.
- English Word Wick Definition To strike a stone in an oblique direction.
- English Word Wicke Definition Wicked.
- English Word Wicked Definition Having a wick; -- used chiefly in composition; as, a two-wicked lamp.
- English Word Wicked Definition Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary to the moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin; sinful; immoral; profligate; -- said of persons and things; as, a wicked king; a wicked woman; a wicked deed; wicked designs.
- English Word Wicked Definition Cursed; baneful; hurtful; bad; pernicious; dangerous.
- English Word Wicked Definition Ludicrously or sportively mischievous; disposed to mischief; roguish.
- English Word Wickedly Definition In a wicked manner; in a manner, or with motives and designs, contrary to the divine law or the law of morality; viciously; corruptly; immorally.
- English Word Wickedness Definition The quality or state of being wicked; departure from the rules of the divine or the moral law; evil disposition or practices; immorality; depravity; sinfulness.
- English Word Wickedness Definition A wicked thing or act; crime; sin; iniquity.
- English Word Wicken tree Definition Same as Quicken tree.
- English Word Wicker Definition A small pliant twig or osier; a rod for making basketwork and the like; a withe.
- English Word Wicker Definition Wickerwork; a piece of wickerwork, esp. a basket.