WPage 127
- English Word Whisking Definition Sweeping along lightly.
- English Word Whisking Definition Large; great.
- English Word Whisky Definition A light carriage built for rapid motion; -- called also tim-whiskey.
- English Word Whisky Definition Alt. of Whiskey
- English Word Whiskyfied Definition Alt. of Whiskeyfied
- English Word Whisp Definition See Wisp.
- English Word Whisp Definition A flock of snipe.
- English Word Whisper Definition To speak softly, or under the breath, so as to be heard only by one near at hand; to utter words without sonant breath; to talk without that vibration in the larynx which gives sonorous, or vocal, sound. See Whisper, n.
- English Word Whisper Definition To make a low, sibilant sound or noise.
- English Word Whisper Definition To speak with suspicion, or timorous caution; to converse in whispers, as in secret plotting.
- English Word Whisper Definition To utter in a low and nonvocal tone; to say under the breath; hence, to mention privately and confidentially, or in a whisper.
- English Word Whisper Definition To address in a whisper, or low voice.
- English Word Whisper Definition To prompt secretly or cautiously; to inform privately.
- English Word Whisper Definition A low, soft, sibilant voice or utterance, which can be heard only by those near at hand; voice or utterance that employs only breath sound without tone, friction against the edges of the vocal cords and arytenoid cartilages taking the place of the vibration of the cords that produces tone; sometimes, in a limited sense, the sound produced by such friction as distinguished from breath sound made by friction against parts of the mouth. See Voice, n., 2, and Guide to Pronunciation, // 5, 153, 154.
- English Word Whisper Definition A cautious or timorous speech.
- English Word Whisper Definition Something communicated in secret or by whispering; a suggestion or insinuation.
- English Word Whisper Definition A low, sibilant sound.
- English Word Whispered Definition of Whisper
- English Word Whisperer Definition One who whispers.
- English Word Whisperer Definition A tattler; one who tells secrets; a conveyer of intelligence secretly; hence; a backbiter; one who slanders secretly.