WPage 122
- English Word Whip Definition A person (as a member of Parliament) appointed to enforce party discipline, and secure the attendance of the members of a Parliament party at any important session, especially when their votes are needed.
- English Word Whip Definition A call made upon members of a Parliament party to be in their places at a given time, as when a vote is to be taken.
- English Word Whip-poor-will Definition An American bird (Antrostomus vociferus) allied to the nighthawk and goatsucker; -- so called in imitation of the peculiar notes which it utters in the evening.
- English Word Whip-shaped Definition Shaped like the lash of a whip; long, slender, round, and tapering; as, a whip-shaped root or stem.
- English Word Whip-tom-kelly Definition A vireo (Vireo altiloquus) native of the West Indies and Florida; -- called also black-whiskered vireo.
- English Word Whipcord Definition A kind of hard-twisted or braided cord, sometimes used for making whiplashes.
- English Word Whipgraft Definition To graft by cutting the scion and stock in a certain manner. See Whip grafting, under Grafting.
- English Word Whipgrafted Definition of Whipgraft
- English Word Whipgrafting Definition of Whipgraft
- English Word Whiplash Definition The lash of a whip, -- usually made of thongs of leather, or of cords, braided or twisted.
- English Word Whipparee Definition A large sting ray (Dasybatis, / Trygon, Sayi) native of the Southern United States. It is destitute of large spines on the body and tail.
- English Word Whipparee Definition A large sting ray (Rhinoptera bonasus, or R. quadriloba) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Its snout appears to be four-lobed when viewed in front, whence it is also called cow-nosed ray.
- English Word Whipped Definition of Whip
- English Word Whipper Definition One who whips; especially, an officer who inflicts the penalty of legal whipping.
- English Word Whipper Definition One who raises coal or merchandise with a tackle from a chip's hold.
- English Word Whipper Definition A kind of simple willow.
- English Word Whipperin Definition A huntsman who keeps the hounds from wandering, and whips them in, if necessary, to the of chase.
- English Word Whipperin Definition Hence, one who enforces the discipline of a party, and urges the attendance and support of the members on all necessary occasions.
- English Word Whippersnapper Definition A diminutive, insignificant, or presumptuous person.
- English Word Whipping Definition of Whip