WPage 113
- English Word Whereret Definition To box (one) on the ear; to strike or box. (the ear); as, to wherret a child.
- English Word Whereso Definition Wheresoever.
- English Word Wheresoe'er Definition Wheresoever.
- English Word Wheresoever Definition In what place soever; in whatever place; wherever.
- English Word Wherethrough Definition Through which.
- English Word Whereto Definition To which; -- used relatively.
- English Word Whereto Definition To what; to what end; -- used interrogatively.
- English Word Whereunto Definition Same as Whereto.
- English Word Whereupon Definition Upon which; in consequence of which; after which.
- English Word Wherever Definition At or in whatever place; wheresoever.
- English Word Wherewith Definition With which; -- used relatively.
- English Word Wherewith Definition With what; -- used interrogatively.
- English Word Wherewith Definition The necessary means or instrument.
- English Word Wherewithal Definition Wherewith.
- English Word Wherret Definition A box on the ear.
- English Word Wherries Definition of Wherry
- English Word Wherry Definition A passenger barge or lighter plying on rivers; also, a kind of light, half-decked vessel used in fishing.
- English Word Wherry Definition A long, narrow, light boat, sharp at both ends, for fast rowing or sailing; esp., a racing boat rowed by one person with sculls.
- English Word Wherry Definition A liquor made from the pulp of crab apples after the verjuice is expressed; -- sometimes called crab wherry.
- English Word Wherso Definition Wheresoever.