WPage 104
- English Word Whap Definition Alt. of Whop
- English Word Whapped Definition of Whop
- English Word Whapper Definition Alt. of Whopper
- English Word Whapping Definition of Whop
- English Word Whapping Definition Alt. of Whopping
- English Word Wharf Definition A structure or platform of timber, masonry, iron, earth, or other material, built on the shore of a harbor, river, canal, or the like, and usually extending from the shore to deep water, so that vessels may lie close alongside to receive and discharge cargo, passengers, etc.; a quay; a pier.
- English Word Wharf Definition The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea.
- English Word Wharf Definition To guard or secure by a firm wall of timber or stone constructed like a wharf; to furnish with a wharf or wharfs.
- English Word Wharf Definition To place upon a wharf; to bring to a wharf.
- English Word Wharfage Definition The fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods; pierage, collectively; quayage.
- English Word Wharfage Definition A wharf or wharfs, collectively; wharfing.
- English Word Wharfed Definition of Wharf
- English Word Wharfing Definition of Wharf
- English Word Wharfing Definition Wharfs, collectively.
- English Word Wharfing Definition A mode of facing sea walls and embankments with planks driven as piles and secured by ties.
- English Word Wharfinger Definition A man who owns, or has the care of, a wharf.
- English Word Wharfs Definition of Wharf
- English Word Wharl Definition Alt. of Wharling
- English Word Wharling Definition A guttural pronunciation of the letter r; a burr. See Burr, n., 6.
- English Word Wharp Definition A kind of fine sand from the banks of the Trent, used as a polishing powder.