UPage 8
- English Word Ululation Definition A howling, as of a dog or wolf; a wailing.
- English Word Ulva Definition A genus of thin papery bright green seaweeds including the kinds called sea lettuce.
- English Word Umbe Definition About.
- English Word Umbecast Definition To cast about; to consider; to ponder.
- English Word Umbel Definition A kind of flower cluster in which the flower stalks radiate from a common point, as in the carrot and milkweed. It is simple or compound; in the latter case, each peduncle bears another little umbel, called umbellet, or umbellule.
- English Word Umbellar Definition Of or pertaining to an umbel; having the form of an umbel.
- English Word Umbellate Definition Alt. of Umbellated
- English Word Umbellated Definition Bearing umbels; pertaining to an umbel; umbel-like; as, umbellate plants or flowers.
- English Word Umbellet Definition A small or partial umbel; an umbellule.
- English Word Umbellic Definition Pertaining to, or obtained from, certain umbelliferous plants; as, umbellic acid.
- English Word Umbellifer Definition A plant producing an umbel or umbels.
- English Word Umbelliferone Definition A tasteless white crystalline substance, C9H6O3, found in the bark of a certain plant (Daphne Mezereum), and also obtained by the distillation of certain gums from the Umbelliferae, as galbanum, asafetida, etc. It is analogous to coumarin. Called also hydroxy-coumarin.
- English Word Umbelliferous Definition Producing umbels.
- English Word Umbelliferous Definition Of or pertaining to a natural order (Umbelliferae) of plants, of which the parsley, carrot, parsnip, and fennel are well-known examples.
- English Word Umbellularia Definition A genus of deep-sea alcyonaria consisting of a cluster of large flowerlike polyps situated at the summit of a long, slender stem which stands upright in the mud, supported by a bulbous base.
- English Word Umbellule Definition An umbellet.
- English Word Umber Definition A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water colors, obtained from certain natural clays variously colored by the oxides of iron and manganese. It is commonly heated or burned before being used, and is then called burnt umber; when not heated, it is called raw umber. See Burnt umber, below.
- English Word Umber Definition To color with umber; to shade or darken; as, to umber over one's face.
- English Word Umber Definition Of or pertaining to umber; resembling umber; olive-brown; dark brown; dark; dusky.
- English Word Umber Definition An African wading bird (Scopus umbretta) allied to the storks and herons. It is dull dusky brown, and has a large occipital crest. Called also umbrette, umbre, and umber bird.