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- English Word Unadvised Definition Done without due consideration; wanton; rash; inconsiderate; as, an unadvised proceeding.
- English Word Unaffected Definition Not affected or moved; destitute of affection or emotion; uninfluenced.
- English Word Unaffected Definition Free from affectation; plain; simple; natural; real; sincere; genuine; as, unaffected sorrow.
- English Word Unafiled Definition Undefiled.
- English Word Unagreeable Definition Disagreeable.
- English Word Unagreeable Definition Not agreeing or consistent; unsuitable.
- English Word Unaidable Definition Incapable of being aided.
- English Word Unalienable Definition Inalienable; as, unalienable rights.
- English Word Unalist Definition An ecclesiastical who holds but one benefice; -- distinguished from pluralist.
- English Word Unallied Definition Not allied; having no ally; having no connection or relation; as, unallied species or genera.
- English Word Unalloyed Definition Not alloyed; not reduced by foreign admixture; unmixed; unqualified; pure; as, unalloyed metals; unalloyed happiness.
- English Word Unalmsed Definition Not having received alms.
- English Word Unambiguity Definition Absence of ambiguity; clearness; perspicuity.
- English Word Unambition Definition The absence of ambition.
- English Word Unamiability Definition The quality or state of being unamiable; moroseness.
- English Word Unamiable Definition Not amiable; morose; ill-natured; repulsive.
- English Word Unanchor Definition To loose from the anchor, as a ship.
- English Word Unaneled Definition Not aneled; not having received extreme unction.
- English Word Unanimate Definition Unanimous.
- English Word Unanimity Definition The quality or state of being unanimous.