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- English Word Umlaut Definition The euphonic modification of a root vowel sound by the influence of a, u, or especially i, in the syllable which formerly followed.
- English Word Umlauted Definition Having the umlaut; as, umlauted vowels.
- English Word Umpirage Definition The office of an umpire; the power, right, or authority of an umpire to decide.
- English Word Umpirage Definition The act of umpiring; arbitrament.
- English Word Umpire Definition To act as umpire or arbitrator.
- English Word Umpire Definition To perform the duties of umpire in or for; as, to umpire a game.
- English Word Umpire Definition To decide as umpire; to arbitrate; to settle, as a dispute.
- English Word Umpire Definition A third person, who is to decide a controversy or question submitted to arbitrators in case of their disagreement.
- English Word Umpire Definition A person to whose sole decision a controversy or question between parties is referred; especially, one chosen to see that the rules of a game, as cricket, baseball, or the like, are strictly observed.
- English Word Umpired Definition of Umpire
- English Word Umpireship Definition Umpirage; arbitrament.
- English Word Umpiring Definition of Umpire
- English Word Umpress Definition Female umpire.
- English Word Umquhile Definition Some time ago; formerly.
- English Word Umquhile Definition Former.
- English Word Un- Definition To present particles which come from intransitive verbs, or are themselves employed as adjectives, to mark the absence of the activity, disposition, or condition implied by the participle; as, - ---- and the like.
- English Word Un- Definition Un- is prefixed to nouns to express the absence of, or the contrary of, that which the noun signifies; as, unbelief, unfaith, unhealth, unrest, untruth, and the like.
- English Word Un- Definition Those which are anomalous, provincial, or, for some other reason, not desirable to be used, and are so indicated; as, unpure for impure, unsatisfaction for dissatisfaction, unexpressible for inexpressible, and the like.
- English Word Un- Definition Those which have the value of independent words, inasmuch as the simple words are either not used at all, or are rarely, or at least much less frequently, used; as, unavoidable, unconscionable, undeniable, unspeakable, unprecedented, unruly, and the like; or inasmuch as they are used in a different sense from the usual meaning of the primitive, or especially in one of the significations of the latter; as, unaccountable, unalloyed, unbelieving, unpretending, unreserved, and the like; or inasmuch as they are so frequently and familiarly used that they are hardly felt to be of negative origin; as, uncertain, uneven, and the like.
- English Word Un- Definition Those which have acquired an opposed or contrary, instead of a merely negative, meaning; as, unfriendly, ungraceful, unpalatable, unquiet, and the like; or else an intensive sense more than a prefixed not would express; as, unending, unparalleled, undisciplined, undoubted, unsafe, and the like.