RPage 66
- English Word Razure Definition An erasure; a change made by erasing.
- English Word Razzia Definition A plundering and destructive incursion; a foray; a raid.
- English Word Re Definition A syllable applied in solmization to the second tone of the diatonic scale of C; in the American system, to the second tone of any diatonic scale.
- English Word Re coverance Definition Recovery.
- English Word Re proval Definition Reproof.
- English Word Re sign Definition Resignation.
- English Word Re- Definition A prefix signifying back, against, again, anew; as, recline, to lean back; recall, to call back; recede; remove; reclaim, to call out against; repugn, to fight against; recognition, a knowing again; rejoin, to join again; reiterate; reassure. Combinations containing the prefix re- are readily formed, and are for the most part of obvious signification.
- English Word Re-ally Definition To bring together again; to compose or form anew.
- English Word Re-collect Definition To collect again; to gather what has been scattered; as, to re-collect routed troops.
- English Word Re-create Definition To create or form anew.
- English Word Re-creation Definition A forming anew; a new creation or formation.
- English Word Re-creative Definition Creating anew; as, re-creative power.
- English Word Re-demption Definition The act of redeeming, or the state of being redeemed; repurchase; ransom; release; rescue; deliverance; as, the redemption of prisoners taken in war; the redemption of a ship and cargo.
- English Word Re-demption Definition The liberation of an estate from a mortgage, or the taking back of property mortgaged, upon performance of the terms or conditions on which it was conveyed; also, the right of redeeming and reentering upon an estate mortgaged. See Equity of redemption, under Equity.
- English Word Re-demption Definition Performance of the obligation stated in a note, bill, bond, or other evidence of debt, by making payment to the holder.
- English Word Re-demption Definition The procuring of God's favor by the sufferings and death of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law.
- English Word Re-ferment Definition To ferment, or cause to ferment, again.
- English Word Re-form Definition To give a new form to; to form anew; to take form again, or to take a new form; as, to re-form the line after a charge.
- English Word Re-formation Definition The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the reformation of a column of troops into a hollow square.
- English Word Re-formed Definition of Re-form