RPage 47
- English Word Raptured Definition of Rapture
- English Word Rapturing Definition of Rapture
- English Word Rapturist Definition An enthusiast.
- English Word Rapturize Definition To put, or be put, in a state of rapture.
- English Word Rapturous Definition Ecstatic; transporting; ravishing; feeling, expressing, or manifesting rapture; as, rapturous joy, pleasure, or delight; rapturous applause.
- English Word Rapturously Definition In a rapturous manner.
- English Word Rare Definition Early.
- English Word Rare Definition Nearly raw; partially cooked; not thoroughly cooked; underdone; as, rare beef or mutton.
- English Word Rare Definition Not frequent; seldom met with or occurring; unusual; as, a rare event.
- English Word Rare Definition Of an uncommon nature; unusually excellent; valuable to a degree seldom found.
- English Word Rare Definition Thinly scattered; dispersed.
- English Word Rare Definition Characterized by wide separation of parts; of loose texture; not thick or dense; thin; as, a rare atmosphere at high elevations.
- English Word Rarebit Definition A dainty morsel; a Welsh rabbit. See Welsh rabbit, under Rabbit.
- English Word Raree-show Definition A show carried about in a box; a peep show.
- English Word Rarefaction Definition The act or process of rarefying; the state of being rarefied; -- opposed to condensation; as, the rarefaction of air.
- English Word Rarefiable Definition Capable of being rarefied.
- English Word Rarefied Definition of Rarefy
- English Word Rarefy Definition To make rare, thin, porous, or less dense; to expand or enlarge without adding any new portion of matter to; -- opposed to condense.
- English Word Rarefy Definition To become less dense; to become thin and porous.
- English Word Rarefying Definition of Rarefy