RPage 36
- English Word Rancidly Definition In a rancid manner.
- English Word Rancidness Definition The quality of being rancid.
- English Word Rancor Definition The deepest malignity or spite; deep-seated enmity or malice; inveterate hatred.
- English Word Rancorous Definition Full of rancor; evincing, or caused by, rancor; deeply malignant; implacably spiteful or malicious; intensely virulent.
- English Word Rancorously Definition In a rancorous manner.
- English Word Rand Definition A border; edge; margin.
- English Word Rand Definition A long, fleshy piece, as of beef, cut from the flank or leg; a sort of steak.
- English Word Rand Definition A thin inner sole for a shoe; also, a leveling slip of leather applied to the sole before attaching the heel.
- English Word Rand Definition To rant; to storm.
- English Word Randall grass Definition The meadow fescue (Festuca elatior). See under Grass.
- English Word Randan Definition The product of a second sifting of meal; the finest part of the bran.
- English Word Randan Definition A boat propelled by three rowers with four oars, the middle rower pulling two.
- English Word Randing Definition The act or process of making and applying rands for shoes.
- English Word Randing Definition A kind of basket work used in gabions.
- English Word Random Definition Force; violence.
- English Word Random Definition A roving motion; course without definite direction; want of direction, rule, or method; hazard; chance; -- commonly used in the phrase at random, that is, without a settled point of direction; at hazard.
- English Word Random Definition Distance to which a missile is cast; range; reach; as, the random of a rifle ball.
- English Word Random Definition The direction of a rake-vein.
- English Word Random Definition Going at random or by chance; done or made at hazard, or without settled direction, aim, or purpose; hazarded without previous calculation; left to chance; haphazard; as, a random guess.
- English Word Randomly Definition In a random manner.