PPage 4
- English Word Pachyglossal Definition Having a thick tongue; -- applied to a group of lizards (Pachyglossae), including the iguanas and agamas.
- English Word Pachymeningitis Definition Inflammation of the dura mater or outer membrane of the brain.
- English Word Pachymeter Definition Same as Pachometer.
- English Word Pachyote Definition One of a family of bats, including those which have thick external ears.
- English Word Pacifiable Definition Capable of being pacified or appeased; placable.
- English Word Pacific Definition Of or pertaining to peace; suited to make or restore peace; of a peaceful character; not warlike; not quarrelsome; conciliatory; as, pacific words or acts; a pacific nature or condition.
- English Word Pacificable Definition Placable.
- English Word Pacifical Definition Of or pertaining to peace; pacific.
- English Word Pacification Definition The act or process of pacifying, or of making peace between parties at variance; reconciliation.
- English Word Pacificator Definition One who, or that which, pacifies; a peacemaker.
- English Word Pacificatory Definition Tending to make peace; conciliatory.
- English Word Pacified Definition of Pacify
- English Word Pacify Definition To make to be at peace; to appease; to calm; to still; to quiet; to allay the agitation, excitement, or resentment of; to tranquillize; as, to pacify a man when angry; to pacify pride, appetite, or importunity.
- English Word Pacifying Definition of Pacify
- English Word Pacing Definition of Pace
- English Word Pacinian Definition Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Filippo Pacini, an Italian physician of the 19th century.
- English Word Pack Definition A loose, lewd, or worthless person. See Baggage.
- English Word Pack Definition To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (i. e., on the backs of men or beasts).
- English Word Pack Definition To load with a pack; hence, to load; to encumber; as, to pack a horse.
- English Word Pack Definition To contrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot.