PPage 19
- English Word Pal Definition A mate; a partner; esp., an accomplice or confederate.
- English Word Palace Definition The residence of a sovereign, including the lodgings of high officers of state, and rooms for business, as well as halls for ceremony and reception.
- English Word Palace Definition The official residence of a bishop or other distinguished personage.
- English Word Palace Definition Loosely, any unusually magnificent or stately house.
- English Word Palacious Definition Palatial.
- English Word Paladin Definition A knight-errant; a distinguished champion; as, the paladins of Charlemagne.
- English Word Paladiumize Definition To cover or coat with palladium.
- English Word Paladumenta Definition of Paludamentum
- English Word Palaeo- Definition See Paleo-.
- English Word Palaeographer Definition Alt. of Palaeographic
- English Word Palaeographic Definition See Paleographer, Paleographic, etc.
- English Word Palaeotype Definition A system of representing all spoken sounds by means of the printing types in common use.
- English Word Palaestra Definition See Palestra.
- English Word Palaestric Definition See Palestric.
- English Word Palaetiologist Definition One versed in palaetiology.
- English Word Palaetiology Definition The science which explains, by the law of causation, the past condition and changes of the earth.
- English Word Palama Definition A membrane extending between the toes of a bird, and uniting them more or less closely together.
- English Word Palamedeae Definition An order, or suborder, including the kamichi, and allied South American birds; -- called also screamers. In many anatomical characters they are allied to the Anseres, but they externally resemble the wading birds.
- English Word Palamme Definition of Palama
- English Word Palampore Definition See Palempore.