OPage 35
- English Word Octameter Definition A verse containing eight feet; as, --//Deep# in|to# the | dark#ness | peer#ing, | long# I | stood# there | wond'#ring, | fear#ing.
- English Word Octander Definition One of the Octandria.
- English Word Octandria Definition A Linnaean class of plants, in which the flowers have eight stamens not united to one another or to the pistil.
- English Word Octandrian Definition Alt. of Octandrous
- English Word Octandrous Definition Of or pertaining to the Octandria; having eight distinct stamens.
- English Word Octane Definition Any one of a group of metametric hydrocarcons (C8H18) of the methane series. The most important is a colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, found in petroleum, and a constituent of benzene or ligroin.
- English Word Octangular Definition Having eight angles; eight-angled.
- English Word Octant Definition The eighth part of a circle; an arc of 45 degrees.
- English Word Octant Definition The position or aspect of a heavenly body, as the moon or a planet, when half way between conjunction, or opposition, and quadrature, or distant from another body 45 degrees.
- English Word Octant Definition An instrument for measuring angles (generally called a quadrant), having an arc which measures up to 9O¡, but being itself the eighth part of a circle. Cf. Sextant.
- English Word Octant Definition One of the eight parts into which a space is divided by three coordinate planes.
- English Word Octapla Definition A portion of the Old Testament prepared by Origen in the 3d century, containing the Hebrew text and seven Greek versions of it, arranged in eight parallel columns.
- English Word Octaroon Definition See Octoroon.
- English Word Octastyle Definition See Octostyle.
- English Word Octateuch Definition A collection of eight books; especially, the first eight books of the Old Testament.
- English Word Octavalent Definition Having a valence of eight; capable of being combined with, exchanged for, or compared with, eight atoms of hydrogen; -- said of certain atoms or radicals.
- English Word Octave Definition The eighth day after a church festival, the festival day being included; also, the week following a church festival.
- English Word Octave Definition The eighth tone in the scale; the interval between one and eight of the scale, or any interval of equal length; an interval of five tones and two semitones.
- English Word Octave Definition The whole diatonic scale itself.
- English Word Octave Definition The first two stanzas of a sonnet, consisting of four verses each; a stanza of eight lines.