OPage 16
- English Word Oboval Definition Obovate.
- English Word Obovate Definition Inversely ovate; ovate with the narrow end downward; as, an obovate leaf.
- English Word Obreption Definition The obtaining gifts of escheat by fraud or surprise.
- English Word Obreption Definition The act of creeping upon with secrecy or by surprise.
- English Word Obreptitious Definition Done or obtained by surprise; with secrecy, or by concealment of the truth.
- English Word Obrogate Definition To annul indirectly by enacting a new and contrary law, instead of by expressly abrogating or repealing the old one.
- English Word Obrok Definition A poll tax paid by peasants absent from their lord's estate.
- English Word Obrok Definition A rent.
- English Word Obscene Definition Foul; fifthy; disgusting.
- English Word Obscene Definition Inauspicious; ill-omened.
- English Word Obscene Definition Offensive to chastity or modesty; expressing of presenting to the mind or view something which delicacy, purity, and decency forbid to be exposed; impure; as, obscene language; obscene pictures.
- English Word Obscenities Definition of Obscenity
- English Word Obscenity Definition That quality in words or things which presents what is offensive to chasity or purity of mind; obscene or impure lanquage or acts; moral impurity; lewdness; obsceneness; as, the obscenity of a speech, or a picture.
- English Word Obscurant Definition One who obscures; one who prevents enlightenment or hinders the progress of knowledge and wisdom.
- English Word Obscurantism Definition The system or the principles of the obscurants.
- English Word Obscurantist Definition Same as Obscurant.
- English Word Obscuration Definition The act or operation of obscuring; the state of being obscured; as, the obscuration of the moon in an eclipse.
- English Word Obscure Definition Not noticeable; humble; mean.
- English Word Obscure Definition Not clear, full, or distinct; clouded; imperfect; as, an obscure view of remote objects.
- English Word Obscure Definition Covered over, shaded, or darkened; destitute of light; imperfectly illuminated; dusky; dim.