LPage 31
- English Word Lamellibranchiate Definition One of the Lamellibranchia.
- English Word Lamellicorn Definition Having antennae terminating in a group of flat lamellae; -- said of certain coleopterous insects.
- English Word Lamellicorn Definition Terminating in a group of flat lamellae; -- said of antennae.
- English Word Lamellicorn Definition A lamellicorn insect.
- English Word Lamellicornia Definition A group of lamellicorn, plant-eating beetles; -- called also Lamellicornes.
- English Word Lamelliferous Definition Bearing, or composed of, lamellae, or thin layers, plates, or scales; foliated.
- English Word Lamelliform Definition Thin and flat; scalelike; lamellar.
- English Word Lamellirostral Definition Having a lamellate bill, as ducks and geese.
- English Word Lamellirostres Definition A group of birds embracing the Anseres and flamingoes, in which the bill is lamellate.
- English Word Lamellose Definition Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
- English Word Lamely Definition An a lame, crippled, disabled, or imperfect manner; as, to walk lamely; a figure lamely drawn.
- English Word Lameness Definition The condition or quality of being lame; as, the lameness of an excuse or an argument.
- English Word Lament Definition To express or feel sorrow; to weep or wail; to mourn.
- English Word Lament Definition To mourn for; to bemoan; to bewail.
- English Word Lament Definition Grief or sorrow expressed in complaints or cries; lamentation; a wailing; a moaning; a weeping.
- English Word Lament Definition An elegy or mournful ballad, or the like.
- English Word Lamentable Definition Mourning; sorrowful; expressing grief; as, a lamentable countenance.
- English Word Lamentable Definition Fitted to awaken lament; to be lamented; sorrowful; pitiable; as, a lamentable misfortune, or error.
- English Word Lamentable Definition Miserable; pitiful; paltry; -- in a contemptuous or ridiculous sense.
- English Word Lamentation Definition The act of bewailing; audible expression of sorrow; wailing; moaning.