LPage 28
- English Word Lama Definition In Thibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief called Lamaism.
- English Word Lamaic Definition Of or pertaining to Lamaism.
- English Word Lamaism Definition A modified form of Buddhism which prevails in Thibet, Mongolia, and some adjacent parts of Asia; -- so called from the name of its priests. See 2d Lama.
- English Word Lamaist Definition Alt. of Lamaite
- English Word Lamaistic Definition Of or pertaining to Lamaism.
- English Word Lamaite Definition One who believes in Lamaism.
- English Word Lamantin Definition The manatee.
- English Word Lamarckian Definition Pertaining to, or involved in, the doctrines of Lamarckianism.
- English Word Lamarckianism Definition Lamarckism.
- English Word Lamarckism Definition The theory that structural variations, characteristic of species and genera, are produced in animals and plants by the direct influence of physical environments, and esp., in the case of animals, by effort, or by use or disuse of certain organs.
- English Word Lamasery Definition A monastery or convent of lamas, in Thibet, Mongolia, etc.
- English Word Lamb Definition The young of the sheep.
- English Word Lamb Definition Any person who is as innocent or gentle as a lamb.
- English Word Lamb Definition A simple, unsophisticated person; in the cant of the Stock Exchange, one who ignorantly speculates and is victimized.
- English Word Lamb Definition To bring forth a lamb or lambs, as sheep.
- English Word Lamb's-quarters Definition A name given to several plants of the Goosefoot family, sometimes used as pot herbs, as Chenopodium album and Atriplex patulsa.
- English Word Lambale Definition A feast at the time of shearing lambs.
- English Word Lambaste Definition To beat severely.
- English Word Lambative Definition Taken by licking with the tongue.
- English Word Lambative Definition A medicine taken by licking with the tongue; a lincture.