IPage 379
- English Word Isohyetose Definition Of or pertaining to lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have a mean annual rainfall.
- English Word Isohyetose Definition An isohyetose line.
- English Word Isolable Definition Capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure state; as, gold is isolable.
- English Word Isolate Definition To place in a detached situation; to place by itself or alone; to insulate; to separate from others.
- English Word Isolate Definition To insulate. See Insulate.
- English Word Isolate Definition To separate from all foreign substances; to make pure; to obtain in a free state.
- English Word Isolated Definition of Isolate
- English Word Isolated Definition Placed or standing alone; detached; separated from others.
- English Word Isolatedly Definition In an isolated manner.
- English Word Isolating Definition of Isolate
- English Word Isolation Definition The act of isolating, or the state of being isolated; insulation; separation; loneliness.
- English Word Isolator Definition One who, or that which, isolates.
- English Word Isologous Definition Having similar proportions, similar relations, or similar differences of composition; -- said specifically of groups or series which differ by a constant difference; as, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene, or their analogous compounds, form an isologous series.
- English Word Isomer Definition A body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a member of an isomeric series.
- English Word Isomeric Definition Having the same percentage composition; -- said of two or more different substances which contain the same ingredients in the same proportions by weight, often used with with. Specif.: (a) Polymeric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, but with different molecular weights; as, acetylene and benzine are isomeric (polymeric) with each other in this sense. See Polymeric. (b) Metameric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportions by weight, and with the same molecular weight, but which a different structure or arrangement of the ultimate parts; as, ethyl alcohol and methyl ether are isomeric (metameric) with each other in this sense. See Metameric.
- English Word Isomeride Definition An isomer.
- English Word Isomerism Definition The state, quality, or relation, of two or more isomeric substances.
- English Word Isomeromorphism Definition Isomorphism between substances that are isomeric.
- English Word Isometric Definition Alt. of Isometrical
- English Word Isometrical Definition Pertaining to, or characterized by, equality of measure.