GPage 25
- English Word Gameless Definition Destitute of game.
- English Word Gamely Definition In a plucky manner; spiritedly.
- English Word Gameness Definition Endurance; pluck.
- English Word Gamesome Definition Gay; sportive; playful; frolicsome; merry.
- English Word Gamester Definition A merry, frolicsome person.
- English Word Gamester Definition A person who plays at games; esp., one accustomed to play for a stake; a gambler; one skilled in games.
- English Word Gamester Definition A prostitute; a strumpet.
- English Word Gamic Definition Pertaining to, or resulting from, sexual connection; formed by the union of the male and female elements.
- English Word Gamin Definition A neglected and untrained city boy; a young street Arab.
- English Word Gaming Definition of Game
- English Word Gaming Definition The act or practice of playing games for stakes or wagers; gambling.
- English Word Gamma Definition The third letter (/, / = Eng. G) of the Greek alphabet.
- English Word Gammadion Definition A cross formed of four capital gammas, formerly used as a mysterious ornament on ecclesiastical vestments, etc. See Fylfot.
- English Word Gammer Definition An old wife; an old woman; -- correlative of gaffer, an old man.
- English Word Gammon Definition The buttock or thigh of a hog, salted and smoked or dried; the lower end of a flitch.
- English Word Gammon Definition To make bacon of; to salt and dry in smoke.
- English Word Gammon Definition Backgammon.
- English Word Gammon Definition An imposition or hoax; humbug.
- English Word Gammon Definition To beat in the game of backgammon, before an antagonist has been able to get his "men" or counters home and withdraw any of them from the board; as, to gammon a person.
- English Word Gammon Definition To impose on; to hoax; to cajole.