EPage 9
- English Word Earthdin Definition An earthquake.
- English Word Earthdrake Definition A mythical monster of the early Anglo-Saxon literature; a dragon.
- English Word Earthed Definition of Earth
- English Word Earthen Definition Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.
- English Word Earthen-hearted Definition Hard-hearted; sordid; gross.
- English Word Earthenware Definition Vessels and other utensils, ornaments, or the like, made of baked clay. See Crockery, Pottery, Stoneware, and Porcelain.
- English Word Earthfork Definition A pronged fork for turning up the earth.
- English Word Earthiness Definition The quality or state of being earthy, or of containing earth; hence, grossness.
- English Word Earthing Definition of Earth
- English Word Earthliness Definition The quality or state of being earthly; worldliness; grossness; perishableness.
- English Word Earthling Definition An inhabitant of the earth; a mortal.
- English Word Earthly Definition Pertaining to the earth; belonging to this world, or to man's existence on the earth; not heavenly or spiritual; carnal; worldly; as, earthly joys; earthly flowers; earthly praise.
- English Word Earthly Definition Of all things on earth; possible; conceivable.
- English Word Earthly Definition Made of earth; earthy.
- English Word Earthly Definition In the manner of the earth or its people; worldly.
- English Word Earthly-minded Definition Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded.
- English Word Earthmad Definition The earthworm.
- English Word Earthnut Definition A name given to various roots, tubers, or pods grown under or on the ground
- English Word Earthnut Definition The esculent tubers of the umbelliferous plants Bunium flexuosum and Carum Bulbocastanum.
- English Word Earthnut Definition The peanut. See Peanut.