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- English Word Elaeolite Definition A variety of hephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
- English Word Elaeoptene Definition The more liquid or volatile portion of certain oily substance, as distinguished from stearoptene, the more solid parts.
- English Word Elaidate Definition A salt of elaidic acid.
- English Word Elaidic Definition Relating to oleic acid, or elaine.
- English Word Elaidin Definition A solid isomeric modification of olein.
- English Word Elain Definition Same as Olein.
- English Word Elaine Definition Alt. of Elain
- English Word Elaiodic Definition Derived from castor oil; ricinoleic; as, elaiodic acid.
- English Word Elaiometer Definition An apparatus for determining the amount of oil contained in any substance, or for ascertaining the degree of purity of oil.
- English Word Elamite Definition A dweller in Flam (or Susiana), an ancient kingdom of Southwestern Asia, afterwards a province of Persia.
- English Word Elamping Definition Shining.
- English Word Elan Definition Ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm.
- English Word Elance Definition To throw as a lance; to hurl; to dart.
- English Word Elanced Definition of Elance
- English Word Elancing Definition of Elance
- English Word Eland Definition A species of large South African antelope (Oreas canna). It is valued both for its hide and flesh, and is rapidly disappearing in the settled districts; -- called also Cape elk.
- English Word Eland Definition The elk or moose.
- English Word Elanet Definition A kite of the genus Elanus.
- English Word Elaolite Definition See Elaeolite.
- English Word Elaoptene Definition See Elaeoptene.