EPage 42
- English Word Efflagitate Definition To ask urgently.
- English Word Efflate Definition To fill with breath; to puff up.
- English Word Efflation Definition The act of filling with wind; a breathing or puffing out; a puff, as of wind.
- English Word Effloresce Definition To blossom forth.
- English Word Effloresce Definition To change on the surface, or throughout, to a whitish, mealy, or crystalline powder, from a gradual decomposition, esp. from the loss of water, on simple exposure to the air; as, Glauber's salts, and many others, effloresce.
- English Word Effloresce Definition To become covered with a whitish crust or light crystallization, from a slow chemical change between some of the ingredients of the matter covered and an acid proceeding commonly from an external source; as, the walls of limestone caverns sometimes effloresce with nitrate of calcium in consequence of the action in consequence of nitric acid formed in the atmosphere.
- English Word Effloresced Definition of Effloresce
- English Word Efflorescence Definition Flowering, or state of flowering; the blooming of flowers; blowth.
- English Word Efflorescence Definition A redness of the skin; eruption, as in rash, measles, smallpox, scarlatina, etc.
- English Word Efflorescence Definition The formation of the whitish powder or crust on the surface of efflorescing bodies, as salts, etc.
- English Word Efflorescence Definition The powder or crust thus formed.
- English Word Efflorescency Definition The state or quality of being efflorescent; efflorescence.
- English Word Efflorescent Definition That effloresces, or is liable to effloresce on exposure; as, an efflorescent salt.
- English Word Efflorescent Definition Covered with an efflorescence.
- English Word Efflorescing Definition of Effloresce
- English Word Efflower Definition To remove the epidermis of (a skin) with a concave knife, blunt in its middle part, -- as in making chamois leather.
- English Word Effluence Definition A flowing out, or emanation.
- English Word Effluence Definition That which flows or issues from any body or substance; issue; efflux.
- English Word Effluency Definition Effluence.
- English Word Effluent Definition Flowing out; as, effluent beams.