EPage 4
- English Word Ear Definition To take in with the ears; to hear.
- English Word Ear Definition Privilege of being kindly heard; favor; attention.
- English Word Ear Definition Same as Crossette.
- English Word Ear Definition That which resembles in shape or position the ear of an animal; any prominence or projection on an object, -- usually one for support or attachment; a lug; a handle; as, the ears of a tub, a skillet, or dish. The ears of a boat are outside kneepieces near the bow. See Illust. of Bell.
- English Word Ear Definition The sense of hearing; the perception of sounds; the power of discriminating between different tones; as, a nice ear for music; -- in the singular only.
- English Word Ear Definition Same as Acroterium.
- English Word Ear-bored Definition Having the ear perforated.
- English Word Ear-piercer Definition The earwig.
- English Word Ear-shell Definition A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis; -- called also sea-ear. See Abalone.
- English Word Ear-splitting Definition Deafening; disagreeably loud or shrill; as, ear-splitting strains.
- English Word Earable Definition Arable; tillable.
- English Word Earache Definition Ache or pain in the ear.
- English Word Earal Definition Receiving by the ear.
- English Word Earcap Definition A cap or cover to protect the ear from cold.
- English Word Earcockle Definition A disease in wheat, in which the blackened and contracted grain, or ear, is filled with minute worms.
- English Word Eardrop Definition A pendant for the ear; an earring; as, a pair of eardrops.
- English Word Eardrop Definition A species of primrose. See Auricula.
- English Word Eardrum Definition The tympanum. See Illust. of Ear.
- English Word Eared Definition of Ear
- English Word Eared Definition Having external ears; having tufts of feathers resembling ears.