EPage 28
- English Word Ectoblast Definition The outer envelope of a cell; the cell wall.
- English Word Ectobronchia Definition of Ectobronchium
- English Word Ectobronchium Definition One of the dorsal branches of the main bronchi in the lungs of birds.
- English Word Ectocuneriform Definition Alt. of Ectocuniform
- English Word Ectocuniform Definition One of the bones of the tarsus. See Cuneiform.
- English Word Ectocyst Definition The outside covering of the Bryozoa.
- English Word Ectoderm Definition The outer layer of the blastoderm; epiblast.
- English Word Ectoderm Definition The external skin or outer layer of an animal or plant, this being formed in an animal from the epiblast. See Illust. of Blastoderm.
- English Word Ectodermal Definition Alt. of Ectodermic
- English Word Ectodermic Definition Of or relating to the ectoderm.
- English Word Ectolecithal Definition Having the food yolk, at the commencement of segmentation, in a peripheral position, and the cleavage process confined to the center of the egg; as, ectolecithal ova.
- English Word Ectomere Definition The more transparent cells, which finally become external, in many segmenting ova, as those of mammals.
- English Word Ectoparasite Definition Any parasite which lives on the exterior of animals; -- opposed to endoparasite.
- English Word Ectopia Definition A morbid displacement of parts, especially such as is congenial; as, ectopia of the heart, or of the bladder.
- English Word Ectopic Definition Out of place; congenitally displaced; as, an ectopic organ.
- English Word Ectoplasm Definition The outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum.
- English Word Ectoplasm Definition The outer hyaline layer of protoplasm in a vegetable cell.
- English Word Ectoplasm Definition The ectosarc of protozoan.
- English Word Ectoplastic Definition Pertaining to, or composed of, ectoplasm.
- English Word Ectoprocta Definition An order of Bryozoa in which the anus lies outside the circle of tentacles.