DPage 17
- English Word Dance Definition A tune by which dancing is regulated, as the minuet, the waltz, the cotillon, etc.
- English Word Danced Definition of Dance
- English Word Dancer Definition One who dances or who practices dancing.
- English Word Danceress Definition A female dancer.
- English Word Dancette Definition Deeply indented; having large teeth; thus, a fess dancette has only three teeth in the whole width of the escutcheon.
- English Word Dancing Definition of Dance
- English Word Dancing Definition from Dance.
- English Word Dancy Definition Same as Dancette.
- English Word Dandelion Definition A well-known plant of the genus Taraxacum (T. officinale, formerly called T. Dens-leonis and Leontodos Taraxacum) bearing large, yellow, compound flowers, and deeply notched leaves.
- English Word Dander Definition Dandruff or scurf on the head.
- English Word Dander Definition Anger or vexation; rage.
- English Word Dander Definition To wander about; to saunter; to talk incoherently.
- English Word Dandi Definition A boatman; an oarsman.
- English Word Dandie Definition One of a breed of small terriers; -- called also Dandie Dinmont.
- English Word Dandies Definition of Dandy
- English Word Dandified Definition of Dandify
- English Word Dandified Definition Made up like a dandy; having the dress or manners of a dandy; buckish.
- English Word Dandify Definition To cause to resemble a dandy; to make dandyish.
- English Word Dandifying Definition of Dandify
- English Word Dandiprat Definition A small coin.