DPage 11
- English Word Dalmatian Definition Of or pertaining to Dalmatia.
- English Word Dalmatic Definition A vestment with wide sleeves, and with two stripes, worn at Mass by deacons, and by bishops at pontifical Mass; -- imitated from a dress originally worn in Dalmatia.
- English Word Dalmatic Definition A robe worn on state ocasions, as by English kings at their coronation.
- English Word Dalmatica Definition Alt. of Dalmatic
- English Word Daltonian Definition One afflicted with color blindness.
- English Word Daltonism Definition Inability to perceive or distinguish certain colors, esp. red; color blindness. It has various forms and degrees. So called from the chemist Dalton, who had this infirmity.
- English Word Dam Definition A female parent; -- used of beasts, especially of quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human mother.
- English Word Dam Definition A kind or crowned piece in the game of draughts.
- English Word Dam Definition A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp., a bank of earth, or wall of any kind, as of masonry or wood, built across a water course, to confine and keep back flowing water.
- English Word Dam Definition A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace.
- English Word Dam Definition To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to confine by constructing a dam, as a stream of water; -- generally used with in or up.
- English Word Dam Definition To shut up; to stop up; to close; to restrain.
- English Word Damage Definition Injury or harm to person, property, or reputation; an inflicted loss of value; detriment; hurt; mischief.
- English Word Damage Definition The estimated reparation in money for detriment or injury sustained; a compensation, recompense, or satisfaction to one party, for a wrong or injury actually done to him by another.
- English Word Damage Definition To ocassion damage to the soudness, goodness, or value of; to hurt; to injure; to impair.
- English Word Damage Definition To receive damage or harm; to be injured or impaired in soudness or value; as. some colors in /oth damage in sunlight.
- English Word Damage feasant Definition Doing injury; trespassing, as cattle.
- English Word Damageable Definition Capable of being injured or impaired; liable to, or susceptible of, damage; as, a damageable cargo.
- English Word Damageable Definition Hurtful; pernicious.
- English Word Damages Definition of Damage