স পৃষ্ঠা ১৩
- Bengali Word সকাশ English definition (noun) presence; vicinity; nearness; propinquity. সকাশে (adverb) in the presence of; before; near.
- Bengali Word সকুটম্ব English definition (adjective) together with one’s friends and relations.
- Bengali Word সকুণ্ডল English definition (adjective) decorated with/ wearing ear-rings.
- Bengali Word সকোপ English definition (adjective) full of anger; enraged; displeased. সকোপে (adverb) angrily.
- Bengali Word সকৌতুক English definition (adjective) (1) full of fun/ amusement; funny; droll; amusing; playful mischievous : সকৌতুকহাস্য. (2) amused সকৌতুক দৃষ্টি. সকৌতুকে (adjective) playfully; mischievously; amusedly.
- Bengali Word সক্তু English definition (noun) flour of fried barley or gram.
- Bengali Word সক্রিয় English definition (adjective) active; practical: সক্রিয়অংশগ্রহণ. সক্রিয়তা (noun) activeness; initiative.
- Bengali Word সক্রোধ English definition = সকোপ
- Bengali Word সক্ষম English definition (adjective) able; capable; competent; able-bodied; active; energetic. সক্ষমতা (noun) ability; capability; competence; activeness; vigour; vitality.
- Bengali Word সক্ষোভ English definition (adjective) offended; grieved agitated; distressed.
- Bengali Word সকড়ি English definition (noun) scraps/ leavings of a meal. (2) rice. (3) things which have come in contact with rice/ cooked food.
- Bengali Word সখ English definition = শখ
- Bengali Word সখা English definition (noun) (boon) companion; assistant; confidant; (bosom/ intimate) friend; chum. সখী (feminine) female friend/ companion; woman’s confidante; mistress. সখাজন (noun) female friend(s). সখাভাব (noun) (1) behaviour like a confidante. (2)system of Vaishnava worship in which thedevotee regards himself as a confidante of SriKrishna.
- Bengali Word সখিতা, সখিত্ব, সখ্য English definition noun(s) friendship; companionship; intimacy (with); fellowship;alliance. সখ্যস্থাপনকরা(verb intransitive) make friends with;enter into alliance with.
- Bengali Word সখেদ English definition (adjective) having grief. সখেদে(adjective) sadly;woefully.
- Bengali Word সখ্য English definition সখিতা
- Bengali Word সগর্ব English definition (adjective) proud; arrogant; exalted; elated;haughty; boastful. সগর্বে (adjective) proudly;haughtily;arrogantly.
- Bengali Word সগর্ভ English definition (adjective) (1) pregnant; impregnated by; big with child. (2) (of a brother) of same blood (ie) by the same mother and father. সগর্ভা (noun) (feminine) = সগর্ভ.
- Bengali Word সগুণ English definition (adjective) (1) having qualities/ attributes/ properties; having good qualities/ virtues; virtuous. (2) possessing three primary qualities (ieসত্ত্ব, রজঃ and তম); worldly. (3) furnished with a string/ cord.
- Bengali Word সগোত্র English definition (adjective) being of the same family/ clan; kindred; agnate; homogeneous; related to. (noun) kinsman of the same family; distant kinsman; agnate. সগোত্রা (feminine) kinswoman. সগোত্র বিবাহ (noun) endogamous marriage.