ফ পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word ফাগুন English definition (poetic) = ফাল্গুন
- Bengali Word ফাজলামি, ফাজলামো English definition [Arabic] (noun) extreme talkativeness; impudence; impertinence; sauciness; pertness; flippancy; frivolity; waggery.
- Bengali Word ফাজিল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) scholar. (2) stage in Islamic theological education. (adjective) (1) impudent; impertinent; flippant; priggish. (2) overmuch; excessive. ফাজিল চালাক (adjective) over-forward.
- Bengali Word ফাট English definition (noun) crack; chink; fissure. ফাট ধরা (verb intransitive) crack; form a crack; crack up.
- Bengali Word ফাটক English definition (noun) (1) main gate; portal; entrance. (2) gaol; jail; prison. ফাটক হওয়া (verb intransitive) be sentenced to imprisonment; imprisoned, be jailed. ফাটকবন্দী (adjective) jailed; imprisoned.
- Bengali Word ফাটকি ১ English definition = ফটকি
- Bengali Word ফাটকি ২ English definition (adjective) (1) tiny; minuscule, paltry; puny; petty. (2) false; fake; make behave bogus; sham; illusory. ফাটকি-নাটকি (noun) (1) knick-knack sundries; trifles. (2) trifling matter; triviality; small beer.
- Bengali Word ফাটন English definition (noun) breaking; splitting; cleaving; piercing; rending; cracking; bursting; explosion; fission.
- Bengali Word ফাটল English definition (noun) fissure; crack; crevice; interstice.
- Bengali Word ফাটা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) crack; split; go to pieces; fall apart; chap: চামড়া ফাটা; burst; explode; burst open; ফোঁড়া ফাটা. (adjective) cracked; split; rent; fractured; chapped; exploded; bad: ফাটা কপাল bad luck. ফাটানো (verb transitive) crack; spit; rend; burst (open); explode; smash. ফাটাফাটি (noun) violent scuffle; melee; brawl; stiff affray a rowdy quarrel.
- Bengali Word ফাতনা, ফাৎনা English definition (noun) float (used on a fishing line).
- Bengali Word ফাতরা English definition (noun) withered spathe of banana--palm with frond.
- Bengali Word ফাতেহা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) the opening chapter of the Holy Qoran. (2) (Muslim) obsequies with prayers and distribution of food among the poor.
- Bengali Word ফানা English definition [Arabic] (noun) dissolution; destruction. (adjective) lost in something or somebody; absorbed/ engaged wholly; engrossed; rapt. ফানা হওয়া (verb intransitive) perish; be destroyed be lost/ absorbed/ engrossed.
- Bengali Word ফানুশ, ফানুস English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) paper--balloon. (2) lamp-shade (made of paper). (3) lantern.
- Bengali Word ফানেল English definition [English] (noun) funnel.
- Bengali Word ফান্ট English definition (noun) (1) substance used in tempering metals. (2) solder; decoction. (3) something easily obtained.
- Bengali Word ফান্ড English definition [English] (noun) fund.
- Bengali Word ফান্দ English definition = ফাঁদ
- Bengali Word ফার ১ English definition (noun) splitting; cleaving. (adjective) split; cleft