ন পৃষ্ঠা ৪৩
- Bengali Word নির্বাসিত English definition (adjective) (1) exiled; banished; deported; expatriate, (2) (figurative) expelled; ousted; evicted; removed নির্বাসিতা (feminine) = নির্বাসিত. নির্বাসিত করা = নির্বাসন দেওয়া ( নির্বাসন).
- Bengali Word নির্বাহ English definition (noun) (1) carrying out; accomplishing; performing; completion; execution; কার্য নির্বাহ. (2) carrying on: জীবিকা নির্বাহ. (3) leading; passing; spending: জীবন নির্বাহ , defraying: ব্যয় নির্বাহ. (5) conclusion; accomplishment: দায়িত্ব নির্বাহ. নির্বাহ করা (verb transitive) (1) carry out; accomplish; perform; complete; execute; finish. (2) carry on. (3) lead; pass; spend. (4) defray. (5) conclude. নির্বাহ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be carried out/ accomplished/ performed/ executed/ completed/ defrayed. নির্বাহক (adjective) carrying out; accomplishing; executing; effecting; performing; carrying on; passing; spending; leading; defraying; concluding. (noun) one who carries out, accomplishes, executes, etc; accomplisher.
- Bengali Word নির্বাহিত English definition (adjective) carried out; accomplished; executed; carried on; spent; passed; led; defrayed; concluded; completed; performed.
- Bengali Word নির্বাহী English definition (adjective) executing; leading; carrying out; executive.
- Bengali Word নির্বিকল্প (ক) English definition (adjective) (1) not admitting an alternative; tree from change/ differences; absolute. (2) admitting no doubt; unerring; unwavering; unhesitating; sure. (3) having no distinction between the knower and the knowable. (4) completely identified with/absorbed into the infinite. (noun) knowledge not depending upon/ derived from the senses; absolute knowledge. নির্বিকল্প(ক) সমাধি (noun) a trance in which one is completely identified with the infinite.
- Bengali Word নির্বিকার English definition (adjective) (1) unchanged; unchangeable; immutable; uniform. (2) not offended at anything; unperturbed; unruffled; unmoved; indifferent; callous; steady; disinterested; impassive; insensitive; untouched; stoical. (adverb) impassively: সে নির্বিকার তাকিয়ে রইলো. নির্বিকারচিত্তে, নির্বিকারে (adverb(s)) showing no sign of emotion/ feeling; impassively; stoically; at ease; calmly; placidly; imperturbably; unconcernedly; with unruffled calm; unfeelingly.
- Bengali Word নির্বিঘ্ন English definition (adjective) uninterrupted; unhindered; undisturbed; safe; secure; free from dangers. নির্বিঘ্নে (adverb) safely; without any obstacle/ a hitch/ any obstacle/ any disturbance; freely; smoothly.
- Bengali Word নির্বিচার English definition (adjective) indiscriminate; not reflecting/ considering; inconsiderate; thoughtless; promiscuous. নির্বিচারে (adverb) indiscriminately; without careful judgement/ reflection; inconsiderately; promiscuously.
- Bengali Word নির্বিণ্ণ English definition (adjective) despondent; depressed; sorrowful; regretful; penitent.
- Bengali Word নির্বিবাদ English definition (adjective) free from strife/ quarrel; undisputed; incontestable; unopposed; peaceful; peaceable; not quarrelsome. নির্বিবাদে (adverb) without strife/ opposition/ quarrel/ difficulty; peacefully; smoothly; amicably; peaceably.
- Bengali Word নির্বিবাদী English definition (adjective) of peaceful/ quiet/ amicable disposition; guileless; peaceable; not quarrelsome.
- Bengali Word নির্বিবেক English definition (adjective) having no conscience; conscienceless; unscrupulous; undiscriminating; inconsiderate.
- Bengali Word নির্বিশঙ্ক English definition (adjective) fearless; confident; dauntless; brave; bold.
- Bengali Word নির্বিশেষ English definition (adjective) showing/ making no difference; undiscriminating; without distinction; irrespective; not different from; same; like; equal. নির্বিশেষে (adverb) irrespective of; equally; alike; the same as; regardless of: ধনীদরিদ্র নির্বিশেষ.
- Bengali Word নির্বিষ English definition (adjective) (1) non-venomous; non-poisonous: নির্বিষসাপ, নির্বিষ ঔষধ. (2) free/freed from poison; delivered from/ divested of poison. (3) (figurative) divested of ability to harm; rendered harmless; neutralize; incapacitated; have one's teeth/ fangs drawn. নির্বিষ করা (verb transitive) free/deliver from poison; neutralize; render harmless; incapacitate; draw something/ somebody's teeth/ fangs.
- Bengali Word নির্বিষয় English definition (adjective) not attached to sensual objects; imperceptible.
- Bengali Word নির্বীজ English definition (adjective) (1) seedless. (2) impotent. (3) sterile; aseptic; disinfected. নির্বীজ করা (verb transitive) (1) remove the seeds from something; seed. (2) make/ render impotent; sterilize. (3) (surgically) sterilize; disinfect. নির্বীজন (noun) sterilization; disinfection. নির্বীজিত (adjective) sterilized; disinfected.
- Bengali Word নির্বুদ্ধি English definition (adjective) ignorant; stupid; foolish. নির্বুদ্ধিতা (noun) stupidity; foolishness; ignorance; senselessness.
- Bengali Word নির্বৃত English definition (adjective) satisfied; happy; at rest/ ease. নিবৃত (noun) complete satisfaction/ happiness; bliss; pleasure; delight.
- Bengali Word নির্বৃত্ত English definition (adjective) (1) sprung forth; originated; grown out (of). (2) accomplished; finished. নিবৃত্তি (noun) (1) originating; development. (2) completion; termination.