ন পৃষ্ঠা ৩৯
- Bengali Word নিরোধ English definition (noun) (1) confinement; locking up; imprisonment. (2) restraint; control; repression; check; suppression. (3) siege. (4) obstruction; hindrance: পথ নিরোধ করা. (5) opposition; counteraction. (6) checking. নিরোধ করা (verb transitive) (1) shut up; confine; imprisonment. (2) restrain; check; suppress; control. (3) besiege; surround; invest. (4) obstruct; hinder; bar; stop. (5) keep away; ward off; remove. (6) oppose; counteract. (7) choke. নিরোধক (adjective) obstructing; confining; hindering; restraining; repressing; opposing; besieging; preventing; controlling; choking. নিরোধ-কুণ্ডলী (noun) (phy) choking coil. নিরোধন (noun) (1) = নিরোধ. (2) quarantine.
- Bengali Word নির্গত English definition (adjective) come forth; gone out; issued; emerged; appeared; ejected; become visible; flowed out. নির্গত করা (verb transitive) bring/ send out; issue; give out; cause to flow; emit; throw off; spout; eject; discharge. নির্গত হওয়া (verb intransitive) go out; come forth; depart from; set out; come out; appear; flow out; emerge; emanate; escape; issue; stream; spurt.
- Bengali Word নির্গন্ধ English definition (adjective) void of smell; inodorous; odourless; scentless.
- Bengali Word নির্গম English definition (noun) (1) going forth; setting out; departure; outflow; emergence; exit; escape; egress; escaping from; issue; outlet. (2) door. (3) export. নির্গমকোণ (noun) (science) angle of emergence. নির্গমন (noun) = নির্গম. নির্গম-নিবন্ধ (noun) outward register. নির্গম-পথ (noun) outlet. নির্গম-বাণিজ্য (noun) export trade. নির্গম-শুল্ক (noun) export duty.
- Bengali Word নির্গলন English definition (noun) (1) melting; dissolving; flowing out; exudation; oozing. (2) (chemistry) filtration.
- Bengali Word নির্গলিত English definition (adjective) melted; dissolved; flowed out; exuded; oozing; filtered. নির্গলিত করা (verb transitive) melt; dissolve; fuse; cause to exude; filter. নির্গলিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) flow out; melt; dissolve; thaw; exude; be filtered; ooze. নির্গলিতার্থ (adjective) real import; sum and substance; gist; burden; essence.
- Bengali Word নির্গুণ English definition (adjective) (1) having no good qualities/ virtues; bad; worthless; vicious; incompetent; unworthy. (2) devoid of all qualities/ properties; having no epithet (said of the supreme Being). (3) having no cord/ string. নির্গুণতা, নির্গুণত্ব (noun(s) absence of qualities/ properties; want of good qualities; wickedness; viciousness; worthlessness.
- Bengali Word নির্গূঢ় English definition (adjective) extremely obscure/ mysterious/ secret/ hidden/ abstruse/ intricated/ secluded.
- Bengali Word নির্গৃহ English definition (adjective) houseless; homeless; shelterless.
- Bengali Word নির্গ্রন্থ English definition (adjective) (1) free from all ties/ hindrances; unattached; without possessions. (2) naked. (noun) saint who has withdrawn from the world and lives either as a hermit or a religious mendicant wandering about naked. নির্গ্রন্থন (noun) killing; slaughter.
- Bengali Word নির্গ্রন্থক, নির্গন্থিক English definition = নির্গ্রন্থ
- Bengali Word নির্ঘণ্ট English definition (noun) glossary; index; table of contents.
- Bengali Word নির্ঘন্ট English definition (noun) table of contents; index; programme; bill of fare.
- Bengali Word নির্ঘাত English definition (noun) (1) roar of whirlwind, hurricane, etc. (2) thunderclap. (3) stroke; blow. (adjective) (1) violent; terrible; fierce. (2) unfailing; certain; sure; inevitable: নির্ঘাত বিপদ, নির্ঘাত মিথ্যা. (adverb) surely; certainly; of certain/ inevitably: সে নির্ঘাত আসবে, এ ওষুধে নির্ঘাত কাজ হবে.
- Bengali Word নির্ঘৃণ English definition (adjective) having no feeling of disgust towards filthy things; shameless; immodest.
- Bengali Word নির্ঘোষ English definition (noun) deep sound; loud noise; rattling; tramping; report.
- Bengali Word নির্জন English definition (adjective) lonely; desolate; secluded; solitary. (noun) lonely place; solitude. নির্জনতা (noun) loneliness; solitude; desolateness; seclusion; desolation; void.
- Bengali Word নির্জর English definition (adjective) not subject to old age/ decay; ever young/ fresh; ageless; imperishable; immortal. god; immortal. নির্জরা (adjective) (feminine) = নির্জর.
- Bengali Word নির্জল, নির্জলা English definition (adjective) (1) waterless; dry. (2) undiluted; not mixed with water; raw: নির্জল হুইস্কি. (3) having no permission to drink water: নির্জল উপবাস. (4) dehydrated. (5) absolute; unmixed; genuine; downright: নির্জল মিথ্যা কথা, নির্জল আনন্দ. নির্জল কোহল (noun) absolute alcohol. নির্জলা একাদশী (noun) the eleventh day in the light half of the month Jaishtha on which even the drinking of water is forbidden.
- Bengali Word নির্জিত English definition (adjective) conquered; subdued; vanquished; defeated; crushed; subjugated.