ন পৃষ্ঠা ২৯
- Bengali Word নিপান English definition (noun) (1) place/ trough for watering cattle; well; pool; tank. (2) milk-pail.
- Bengali Word নিপিত্তে English definition (adjective) (colloquial) shameless; brazen-faced, unblushing.
- Bengali Word নিপীত English definition (adjective) drunk in/up/off; drunk to the dregs; drained to the lees; absorbed; imbibed.
- Bengali Word নিপীড়ক English definition (adjective) oppressing; afflicting; repressive; persecuting. (noun) oppressor; tormentor.
- Bengali Word নিপীড়ন English definition (noun) (1) squeezing; pressing. (2) hurting; oppression; repression; persecution; torture; harrying; torment. নিপীড়ন করা (verb transitive) (1) squeeze; press together. (2) oppress; repress; trouble; torment; afflict; plague; persecute; tyrannize over; harry.
- Bengali Word নিপীড়িত English definition (adjective) (1) squeezed; pressed; embraced. (2) oppressed; repressed; persecuted; tormented; afflicted; harried; plagued. নিপীড়িত করা = নিপীড়ন করা ( নিপীড়ন).
- Bengali Word নিপুণ English definition (adjective) skilful; adroit; clever; dexterous; skilled; sharp; acute; adept; deft; expert; efficient. নিপুণা (feminine) = নিপুণ. নিপুণতা (noun) skilfulness; adroitness; dexterity; deftness; skill; efficiency; expertness.
- Bengali Word নিফলা English definition (adjective) (of a tree) barren.
- Bengali Word নিব English definition [English] (noun) nib.
- Bengali Word নিবদ্ধ English definition (adjective) (1) bound; fettered; chained; fastened/tied to; fixed, attached; adhering to; affixed. (2) worn; put on. (3) inserted; entered; written down; composed. (4) covered with; veiled in. (5) adorned/inlaid with; consisting of; accompanied by; furnished with. 6 steadfast; fixed; firm and unchanging: দৃষ্টি নিবদ্ধ করা. (7) registered. (8) arranged; arrayed; strung: ব্যূহ নিবদ্ধ. (9) planted. নিবদ্ধ করা (verb transitive) (1) bind (on); tie; fasten (to); enchain; fetter. (2) unite; join; attach. (3) compose; draw up; write down. (4) put/fix upon. (5) arrange; array. (6) register; insert. (7) plant. নিবদ্ধকরণ, নিবন্ধীকরণ (noun(s) registration; fixation; planting.
- Bengali Word নিবনিব English definition = নিবুনিবু
- Bengali Word নিবন্ত English definition (adjective) (1) (of a light, etc) about to go out; flickering; faint. (2) (figurative) dying. (3) exhausted; worn out; dropping. (4) flagging; diminishing; drooping: নিবন্ত উৎসাহ.
- Bengali Word নিবন্ধ English definition (noun) (1) essay; dissertation: (literary) composition; thesis; treatise; book. (2) means; device. (3) rule; system. (4) fastening; tying; fixation; determination. (5) bondage; tie; bond. নিবন্ধক (noun) registrar. নিবন্ধন (noun) (1) binding; tying; fastening; fettering; ligation. (2) bond; fetter; stay; support. (3) registration. (4) fixation. (5) literary composition; treatise. (6) cause; origin; basis; foundation. (adjective) (in compounds) (used as a suffix) due/ owing to; because of: তার অনুরোধ নিবন্ধন. নিবন্ধনভুক্ত (adjective) registered; entered in a register. নিবন্ধনভুক্ত করা (verb transitive) register. নিবন্ধন-সংখ্যা (noun) registration number. নিবন্ধিত (adjective) (1) bound; fastened; tied. (2) written; composed. (3) strung. (4) registered.
- Bengali Word নিবর্ত English definition (noun) desisted; refrained; stopped; turning back. (noun) prohibition. নিবর্তক (adjective) causing to cease; abolishing; removing; preventing; desisting from; ceasing; stopping; opposed to; dissuasive; preventive; deterrent. (noun) opponent; antagonist. নিবর্তন (noun) (1) turning back; ceasing; desisting; giving up; refraining; cessation; stopping. (2) prevention; suppression; deterrence; discouragement. নিবর্তনমূলক (adjective) preventive; deterrent. নিবর্তনীয় (adjective) to be brought back; to be prevented/ hindered/ averted/ suppressed. নিবর্তিত (adjective) turned/ brought back; caused to give up/ desist from; suppressed; prevented; averted; abandoned.
- Bengali Word নিবসতি, নিবসন English definition (noun(s) dwelling; habitation; abode; residing.
- Bengali Word নিবহ English definition (noun) multitude; quantity; neap; collection.
- Bengali Word নিবা English definition (verb intransitive) (of light, fire, etc) go out; be extinguished/ quenched/ blown out. (adjective) extinguished; quenched; put out. নিবানো (verb transitive) put out; extinguish; quench; blow out. (adjective) = নিবা.
- Bengali Word নিবাত English definition (adjective) (1) sheltered from the wind; calm; still; steady: নিবাত নিষ্কম্প. (2) airless; stuffy. (3) not flickering; burning steadily: নিবাত দীপের মতো.
- Bengali Word নিবাপ English definition (noun) oblation/offering (especially to deceased relatives).
- Bengali Word নিবার English definition = নিবারণ. নিবারক (adjective) keeping off; preventing; stopping mitigating; allaying; hindering; preventive. (noun) one who prevents/ prohibits/ stops/wards off; allaying agent.