ন পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word নিকড়িয়া, নিকড়ে English definition (colloquial) (adjective) (1) penniless; indigent. (2) without pay: নিকড়িয়া ছুটি.
- Bengali Word নিখরচ(া) English definition [Persian] (adverb) free of cost/ charges; gratis; without expense. নিখরচে (adjective) niggardly; stingy; parsimonious.
- Bengali Word নিখর্ব English definition (adjective) dwarfish. (noun) (1) thousand millions; billion. (2) dwarf.
- Bengali Word নিখাকি English definition (adjective) (feminine) (slang) eating nothing/ little; having little appetite. (noun) woman eating nothing/ little.
- Bengali Word নিখাত English definition (adjective) (1) dug in; buried; fixed in the ground. (2) dug up; excavated. নিখাত-নিধি (noun) treasure-trove.
- Bengali Word নিখাদ ১ English definition (noun) (music) the seventh note of the octave.
- Bengali Word নিখাদ ২ English definition (adjective) unalloyed; unadulterated; pure; genuine: নিখাদ সোনা.
- Bengali Word নিখিল English definition (adjective) complete; all; whole; entire: নিখিল বিশ্ব. (noun) the whole universe: নিখিলের অধিপতি.
- Bengali Word নিখুঁত English definition (adjective) flawless; faultless; perfect; spotless; immaculate; impeccable; unblemished.
- Bengali Word নিগদ English definition (noun) reciting; audible recitation; discourse; utterance; speech. নিগদিত (adjective) recited; told; uttered; spoken.
- Bengali Word নিগম English definition (noun) (1) insertion. (2) place/passage (especially of the Vedas). (3) (grammar) root; derived form. (4) Veda; Vedic text; any work auxiliary to and explanatory of the Vedas. (5) sacred precept; words of a god/holy man; doctrine; instruction. (6) market-place; town; city. (7) road; path; exit; way; corporation; municipality; commercial guild; chamber of commerce. নিগম-কর (noun) corporation tax. নিগমন (noun) (1) insertion; quotation of words; deduction. (2) going in/into. (3) going out; issue; exit; outflow. নিগমবদ্ধ (adjective) incorporated. নিগমবন্ধন (noun) incorporation.
- Bengali Word নিগমিত English definition (adjective) = নিগমবদ্ধ ( নিগম)
- Bengali Word নিগর(ণ) English definition (noun) (1) eating; swallowing; gulping down. (2) throat.
- Bengali Word নিগাবান English definition = নিগাহবান
- Bengali Word নিগার English definition [English] (noun) (vulgar) nigger; negro; blackie.
- Bengali Word নিগাহবান English definition [Persian] (noun) watchman; guard; keeper; protector. নিগাহবানি (noun) watching; guarding; custody; care.
- Bengali Word নিগীর্ণ English definition (adjective) swallowed; devoured; gulped down; eaten up.
- Bengali Word নিগূঢ় English definition (adjective) (1) concealed; hidden. (2) obscure; mysterious; mystical; occult; secret. (3) abstruse; intricate. (4) very profound/deep. নিগূঢ় অর্থ (noun) hidden/underlying/mysterious meaning/sense/implication. নিগূঢ়চারী (adjective) walking concealed/in disguise; moving secretly. নিগূঢ়চ্ছদ (noun) secret cover. নিগূঢ়তা (noun) concealment; secrecy; mysteriousness; intricacy; obscurity; abstruseness; profundity; depth; mystery. নিগূঢ়ার্থ (noun) = নিগূঢ়অর্থ. (adjective) having a hidden/underlying/mysterious meaning/ sense; occult; abstruse. নিগূঢ়ার্থক (adjective) = নিগূঢ়ার্থ.
- Bengali Word নিগৃহীত English definition (adjective) (1) harassed; assailed; attacked; harried; persecuted. (2) held down/back; caught; checked; seized. (3) coerced; oppressed; subjected to torture; afflicted. নিগৃহীত করা (verb transitive) (1) harass; assail; attack; harry; humiliate; persecute. (2) keep/hold back; seize; catch; hold; hold last; stop; restrain; check; curb; tame. (4) punish; repress; subject to torture; harrow; coerce; persecute.
- Bengali Word নিগ্রহ English definition (noun) (1) punishment; chastisement; severe treatment. (2) seizing; catching; arresting; holding fast. (3) oppression; persecution; harassment; repression: পুলিশের নিগ্রহ. (4) affliction; misery: দারিদ্র্যজনিত নিগ্রহ. (5) keeping down/back; restraining; coercion; subjugation; suppression; quelling: শূদ্র নিগ্রহ. (6) defeat; overthrow; destruction. (7) humiliation; ignominy; discomfiture. (8) scolding; reprimand; reproof; lashing. নিগ্রহ করা = নিগৃহীত করা. নিগ্রহ ভোগ করা (verb intransitive) be subjected to harassment/ humiliation/ repression/ ignominy/ torture; suffer harassment/ humiliation/ ignominy; be humiliated/ persecuted/ oppressed/ coerced/ harassed/ afflicted/ harried.