ন পৃষ্ঠা ২০
- Bengali Word নার্সারি English definition [English] (noun) nursery.
- Bengali Word নাল ১ English definition (noun) (1) hollow stalk; lotus-stalk. (2) any tube/ tubular vessel/ vein of the body. (3) reed.
- Bengali Word নাল ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) horseshoe; shoe. (2) ferrule. নাল পরানো/নাল বাঁধানো (verb transitive) shoe (a horse). নালবন্দ (noun) farrier; blacksmith (who makes and fits horseshoes). নালবন্দি (noun) shoeing; giving a horse new shoes. নাল-পরা, নালবাঁধা(নো) (adjective) shod.
- Bengali Word নাল ৩ English definition (noun) saliva; slaver. নাল ঝরা/নাল পড়া (verb intransitive) water; slaver over something; drool: মাংস দেখে তার মুখ থেকে নালঝরছে. He is slavering over the plate of meat. নাল ঝরানো/নাল ফেলা (verb intransitive) slaver; drool; dribble.
- Bengali Word নালতা, নালতে English definition (noun(s) (colloquial) = নালিতা
- Bengali Word নালফুল English definition (noun) white water-lily; lotus.
- Bengali Word নালা English definition (noun) (1) drain; duct. (2) cannel; channel; wayside gutter. নালা কেটে জল আনা (figurative) tempt fate; ask or trouble.
- Bengali Word নালায়েক English definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) unworthy; unfit; inconvenient; improper; unsuitable; incapable; incompetent. (2) under-age; minor.
- Bengali Word নালি English definition (noun) (1) any tubular vessel, vein, etc. of the body. (2) small drain/ duct. (3) pipe; tube. (4) fissure. (5) sinus. নালি-ঘা, নালিব্রণ (noun(s) sinus. নালিকা (noun) small tube/ pipe/ vein. নালিকা-বান্ডিল (noun) (anatomy) vascular bundle.
- Bengali Word নালিক English definition (noun) (1) kind of arrow/ spear. (2) gun.
- Bengali Word নালিতা English definition (noun) edible leaves of a jute-plant.
- Bengali Word নালিশ, নালিস English definition (noun(s) (1) complaint; charge; accusation; plaint; (legal) action; (law) suit; appeal/ prayer for redress. (2) lamentation; groan; complaint. নালিশ করা (verb intransitive) complain against; bring an action; prosecute; sue; bring/ file a lawsuit. নালিশ বন্দ (adjective) bringing a legal action. নালিশি (adjective) concerning a lawsuit/ complaint; in suit.
- Bengali Word নালী English definition = নালি.
- Bengali Word নাশ English definition (noun) (1) destruction; annihilation; extinction; disappearance. (2) elimination; extermination: কীটের বংশ নাশ. (3) removal; elimination: দারিদ্র্য নাশ. (4) ruin; impairment: স্বাস্থ্য নাশ. (5) loss; waste: সম্পত্তি নাশ. (6) spoiling; loss; spoilage: শস্য নাশ, কর্ম নাশ. (7) death. নাশ করা (verb transitive) (1) destroy; annihilate; (2) eliminate; exterminate. (3) remove; relieve. (4) ruin; impair. (5) squander; waste. (6) spoil; mar. (7) kill. নাশ হওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) be destroyed/ annihilated; disappear; become extinct. (2) be eliminated/ exterminated. (3) be removed/ relieved. (4) be ruined/ impaired. (5) be lost/ squandered; go down the drain. (6) die; be killed. নাশক (adjective) destroying; annihilating; eliminating; destructive; wasting; prodigal; removing; exterminating; causing ruin; killing. নাশকতা (noun) destructiveness; sabotage. নাশকতামূলক (adjective) destructive. নাশকতামূলক তৎপরতা (noun) sabotage. নাশন (noun) destroying; destruction; removal; exterminating; extermination; ruining; wasting; spoiling; impairing; killing. (adjective) (used as a suffix) = নাশক. নাশা (verb transitive) (poet) = নাশ করা. (adjective) (used as a suffix) = নাশক: সর্বনাশ. নাশী (feminine) = নাশ.
- Bengali Word নাশতা English definition [Persian] (noun) breakfast; repast.
- Bengali Word নাশিত English definition (adjective) destroyed; ruined; wrecked; perished; lost; exterminated; eliminated; removed; wasted; spoiled; killed.
- Bengali Word নাশী English definition (adjective) (used as a suffix) perishing; perishable; destroying; destructive; wasting; ruining; removing; spoiling; killing. নাশিনী (feminine) = নাশী.
- Bengali Word নাশ্য English definition (adjective) liable to be destroyed/ removed/ eliminated.
- Bengali Word নাস ১ English definition (noun) (1) snuff. (2) something inhaled/ taken in like snuff: জলের নাস. নাস নেওয়া (verb intransitive) take snuff; inhale; take/ draw in.
- Bengali Word নাস ২ English definition = নাসা