ত পৃষ্ঠা ১
- Bengali Word -তন English definition (suffix) inflection indicating time: অধুনাতন, তদানীন্তন.
- Bengali Word -তম ১ English definition (suffix) forming ordinal numerals: অশীতি-তম, the eightieth.
- Bengali Word -তম ২ English definition (suffix) forming superlative adjectives: বৃহত্তম, মহত্তম, নীচতম, প্রিয়তম.
- Bengali Word -তমা English definition (feminine) of –তম২
- Bengali Word -তর English definition [Persian] (suffix) forming comparative adjectives: মহত্তর, বৃহত্তর, অধিকতর.
- Bengali Word -তরা English definition (feminine) of –তর
- Bengali Word -তলি English definition (suffix) denoting end, outskirt or vicinity: শহর-তলি, suburb.
- Bengali Word -তা English definition (suffix) indicating state, quality, nature, etc: মূর্খতা, জটিলতা, নীরবতা, নির্জনতা.
- Bengali Word -তি English definition (suffix) giving a different meaning to words; কমতি, চলতি, etc.
- Bengali Word -ত্ব English definition (suffix) indicating nature, quality, state, propensity, etc: রাজত্ব, মহত্ত্ব, লঘুত্ব.
- Bengali Word ত ১ English definition (noun) the sixteenth consonant and first of the ত group of letters. It is a dental, unvoiced, unaspirated, plosive sound.
- Bengali Word ত ২, তো English definition (interjection) (presently ‘তো’ is preferred to ‘ত’) (1) denoting an inquiry: যাবে তো? You are going, isn’t it? (2) indicating an assurance or certainty: এই তো টাকা এসে গেছে, Here comes the money. (3) expressing a request: একটু দেখুন তো. Would you please look to it. (4) meaning an assertion or positive declaration: আমি তো এমন কথা বলিনি, why, I haven’t said such things! (5) in the sense of 'though', 'in spite', etc: সে তো যাবে না, তবু বলে দেখো. (6) indicating uncertainty: যাই তো, তারপর বোঝা যাবে. (7) expressing doubt: হয় তো. (8) indicating certainty: তিনি তো জানেন, He knows it already. (9) meaning 'if', 'in case': বাঁচতে চাও তো. (10) indicating a reflection: সে কেরানি বই তো নয়, He is but a clerk. (11) pointing to some fact: সে তো ছেলেমানুষ, He is but a child. (12) suggesting possibility of some event: পারো তো একবার এসো, বলো তো যাব.
- Bengali Word তই English definition (noun) frying pan without rims.
- Bengali Word তইখন English definition (adverb), (conjunction) (poet, archaic) by that time; then; at once; at that time.
- Bengali Word তওবা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a confession of sin and begging pardon of God. (2) a declaration or avowal of faith.
- Bengali Word তওরাত, তৌরাত English definition [Arabic] (noun) the Holy Book revealed to Prophet Moses; the Torah.
- Bengali Word তওহিদ, তৌহিদ English definition [Arabic] (noun) the doctrine that there is only one God; monotheism. তওহিদবাদ (noun) the basic doctrine of Islam that there is no object of adoration except Allah, the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of the universe.
- Bengali Word তওয়াক্কল English definition [Arabic] (noun) faith; reliance: আল্লাহ্র উপর তওয়াক্কল রাখা. তওয়াক্কল করা (verb transitive) have faith in; rely on.
- Bengali Word তওয়াক্কা, তোয়াক্কা English definition [Arabic] (noun) heedfulness; care; dependence; deference; fear. তওয়াক্কা করা/রাখা (verb transitive) be afraid of; depend upon; treat with deference. তওয়াক্কানা করা (verb intransitive) not to care.
- Bengali Word তওয়াজা, তওজা English definition [Arabic] (noun) respect; courtesy.