ঠ পৃষ্ঠা ১
- Bengali Word ঠ English definition (noun) the twelfth consonant of the Bengali alphabet. It is pronounced as alveolo-retroflex unvoiced aspirated plosive sound.
- Bengali Word ঠং English definition (interjection) denoting the sound of a metallic object when struck with something hard. ঠং ঠং (interjection) sound of the repeated concussion of a metallic object. ঠং-ঠং করে ঘণ্টা বাজলো Ding-dong went the bell.
- Bengali Word ঠং ২ English definition (interjection) denoting a simple light clink. ঠংঠং repeated clinking sound.
- Bengali Word ঠক ১, ঠগ English definition (noun) a dishonest person who defrauds people grossly; a swindler; a cheat; a knave; a rogue; a rascal. (adjective) deceitful; roguish; knavish (also ঠকবাজ). ঠকবাজি (noun) cheating; swindling; knavery.
- Bengali Word ঠক ২, ঠকঠক English definition (interjection) denoting (a) the sound made by the knocking of a stuff on the floor; (b) shivering or quivering with cold: শীতে ঠকঠক করে কাঁপা, have shivers all over in cold.
- Bengali Word ঠকঠকানো English definition (verb intransitive) shiver violently in cold, fear or anger. ঠকঠকানি (noun) a spell of violent shiver.
- Bengali Word ঠকা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) be cheated/swindled/defrauded. (2) be deluded/ outwitted: তিন টাকা ঠকিয়েছে. ঠকানো (verb transitive) deceive cheat; swindle; outwit; beguile. ঠকানে (adjective) deceitful; puzzling; misleading: ঠকানে প্রশ্ন, catch question; quiz. ঠকামি (noun) cheating; deception; fraud; swindling.
- Bengali Word ঠক্কর, ঠোক্কর English definition (noun) collision; act of striking together.
- Bengali Word ঠগ English definition (noun) (1) one who imposes on others; an imposter. (2) a member of a bond of highway robbers; a thug. ঠগি (noun) (history) a band of murderous/ robbers infesting the highways of medieval India.
- Bengali Word ঠন English definition (interjection) denoting a ringing sound or ding-dong of a bell. ঠন ঠন করা (verb intransitive) (1) ring; clank; clatter. (2) (figurative) be empty or sound as an empty vessel: পকেট ঠন.
- Bengali Word ঠমক ১ English definition (noun) affected or artful gait; show; pomp; parade: ঠমক দেখানো. ঠমক চাল (noun) proud airs.
- Bengali Word ঠমক ২ English definition (noun) the arts of coquette; coquetry; dalliance; flirtation.
- Bengali Word ঠাঁই English definition (noun) space; place; room; accommodation. ঠাঁই ঠাঁই (adjective) separated; disunited; levying apart from one another: ভাইভাই ঠাঁইঠাঁই.
- Bengali Word ঠাওর, ঠাহর English definition (noun) (1) a careful gaze. (2) attention. (3) perception. ঠাওর করা (verb transitive) perceive; recognize; notice. ঠাওরানো (verb transitive) (1) consider; ascertain; determine. (2) guess; surmise; conjecture; form an opinion without certain means of knowledge.
- Bengali Word ঠাকঠমক English definition (noun) ambitious display; ostentation; vain show; parade; pomp.
- Bengali Word ঠাকরুন English definition (noun) (feminine) respectable woman (among Hindus); mistress. ঠাকরুন দিদি grandmother.
- Bengali Word ঠাকুর English definition (noun) (1) a Hindu god or deity. (2) an idol. (3) God : ঠাকুর, রক্ষা করো. (4) person deserving respect and reverence: পিতা ঠাকুর. (5) a preceptor: গুরু ঠাকুর. (6) a Brahmin. (7) a Brahmin cook: ঠাকুরের রান্না. (8) a priest: ঠাকুর পূজা করেন. (9) the father-in-law of a woman: ঠাকুরপো. (10) title of the Brahmins: রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর. ঠাকুরানী, ঠাকরুন (feminine). ঠাকুর-ঘর (noun) room for an idol. ঠাকুর-জামাই (noun) husband of husband’s sister. ঠাকুর-ঝি (noun) husband’s sister. ঠাকুরদাদা (noun) grandfather. ঠাকুর দালান (noun) a hall or building containing an idol attached to a dwelling house. ঠাকুর পুত্র (noun) son of a spiritual preceptor. ঠাকুরপো (noun) husband’s younger brother. ঠাকুর বাড়ি (noun) temple; shrine. ঠাকুরমা (noun) paternal grandmother. ঠাকুরালি (noun) (1) jest; joke; fun: ছাড়ো তোমার ঠাকুরালি. (2) authority; supremacy; predominance.
- Bengali Word ঠাট English definition (noun) (1) outward show; appearance: ঠাট বজায় রাখা, keep up appearance. (2) structure or fabric for supporting anything; a framework: প্রতিমার ঠাট. ঠাট বদল করা (verb intransitive) change one’s style of living.
- Bengali Word ঠাটা English definition (noun) thunderbolt; thunder.
- Bengali Word ঠাট্টা English definition (noun) good humoured tearing; joke; jest; fun; banter; waggery. ঠাট্টা করা (verb transitive) make fun; cut jokes; attack with jocularity; banter; tease in a playful way. ঠাট্টা করে বলা say (something) playfully/ by way of joke. ঠাট্টাবাজ (noun) a waggish fellow; a wag; a humorist. ঠাট্টাবাজি (noun) witticism; waggishness; mockery.