খ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word খট English definition (interjection) denoting a low sound as produced by a clash of two pieces of stone or wood. খট খট করে চলা walk along (with shoes on) with the heels striking the ground.
- Bengali Word খটকা English definition (noun) (1) a failing of confidence; misgiving; doubt; suspicion: কথাটা শুনে মনে একটা খটকা লাগলো, my mind was filled with misgivings to hear the news. (2) hesitation. (3) distrust.
- Bengali Word খটমট English definition (interjection) (1) sound produced by firm steps. খটমটে (adjective) hard to understand; difficult of comprehension; stiff; abstruse.
- Bengali Word খট্টাশ, খট্টাস English definition (noun) carnivorous animal, distinguished by its offensive smell, found in Asia and North Africa; a civet-cat; a pole-cat.
- Bengali Word খণ্ড English definition (noun) (1) a bit, a slice, or piece of anything solid: মাংস খণ্ড. (2) a chapter, a section or part (of a book): ২য় খণ্ড, second volume. (3) a geographical region; a country: রোহিলা খণ্ড. (4) a single object that is an example of a kind or class: এক খণ্ড কেক, এক খণ্ড কাপড়, এক খণ্ড পুস্তক. (5) a portion separated or marked off from a larger or whole body: এক খণ্ড জমি. খণ্ড কাব্য (noun) a narrative poem based on a single theme in the style of an epic but not so long and vivid as an epic is; an imperfect epic. খণ্ডকাল (noun) a part of the working day. খণ্ডকালীন (adjective), (adverb) for only a part of the working hours: খণ্ডকালীন শিক্ষক, a part-time teacher. (noun) a part—timer. খণ্ড খণ্ড (adjective) broken to pieces; cut to pieces. খণ্ড খণ্ড করা (verb transitive) cut to pieces; break or divide into pieces. খণ্ড খণ্ড করে (adverb) in pieces; piecemeal. খণ্ড গ্রাস (noun) (astronomy) a partial eclipse of the sun or moon. খণ্ড প্রলয় (noun) (1) a tremendous upheaval or revolution causing great social and political change. (2) a brawl; an affray. খণ্ড বাক্য (noun) (grammar) a clause in a sentence. খণ্ড যুদ্ধ (noun) (military) an irregular short contest in which small numbers are engaged; a skirmish; a pitched battle. খণ্ডে খণ্ডে (adverb) part by part; in parts.
- Bengali Word খণ্ডন English definition (noun) (1) act of disproving by argument; refutation; confutation; rebuttal: অভিযোগ খণ্ডন করা, refute a charge/complaint; prove a charge to be false. যুক্তি খণ্ডন করা refute an argument; prove an argument to be wrong/mistaken by counter-argument. (2) act of undoing what had been done; act of removing/dispelling/reversing: বিধিলিপি কে খণ্ডন করবে? who can undo the decree of fate? who can reverse what is ordained by fate? খণ্ডন করা (verb transitive) refute; disprove; dispel; reverse; undo. খণ্ডনীয় (adjective) that can be refuted; refutable.
- Bengali Word খণ্ডানো English definition (verb transitive) refute or cause to refute; repel or cause to be repelled; resist; reverse; dispel: অদৃষ্টের লিখন কে খণ্ডাবে?
- Bengali Word খণ্ডিত English definition (adjective) (1) what has been divided/broken/cut into pieces; divided; fragmented. (2) bisected; bifurcated; cloven: খণ্ডিতখুর. খণ্ডিতখুর (adjective) having the hoof split up into two parts (as the ox); cloven-hoofed. (noun) domestic quadrupeds, eg cows, bulls, oxen; cattle. (3) partial; not complete; incomplete: খণ্ডিত দৃষ্টি. খণ্ডিতা (noun) (feminine) a woman offended and jealous at her husband’s love-making with another.
- Bengali Word খত, খৎ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a written message; a letter; hand-writing. (2) a bond containing a promise under the signature of the promissor to pay a specified sum; a promissory note; a note of hand; a bond. (3) a declaration binding oneself under oath to certain condition: দাসখত. খত দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) execute a bond (in one’s favour). নাকে খত দেওয়া (figurative) admit one’s crime and promise not to commit the same offence again. খত-কিতাবত (noun) intercourse by letters; correspondence. ফারখত (noun) letter of divorce. বন্ধকিখত (noun) a document making a temporary conveyance of property as security for a debt; a mortgage deed.
- Bengali Word খতনা, খৎনা English definition [Arabic] (noun) cutting off of the foreskin, according to Muslim and Jewish law; circumcision.
- Bengali Word খতবা English definition = খোতবা
- Bengali Word খতম English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) ending of an act/action/work; termination; conclusion. (2) close of life; death; murder: শত্রু খতম. খতম করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) put an end to; terminate; finish. (2) remove; kill; destroy. খতম পড়া (verb intransitive) read or recite the entire Qoranic text. খতম পড়ানো (verb intransitive) arrange a ceremonial reading of the Holy Qoran for the salvation of a departed soul.
- Bengali Word খতরা English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) exposure to injury; danger; jeopardy, risk; difficulty.
- Bengali Word খতানো English definition (verb transitive) make up an account; calculate gain and loss; reckon up: এরূপ আচরণের কী পরিণতি হবে তা একবার খতিয়ে দেখো.
- Bengali Word খতিব English definition [Arabic] (noun) person who delivers khutba or Friday sermon.
- Bengali Word খতিয়ান English definition [Arabic, Hindi] (noun) (1) book containing details of rent-roll, rent realization, etc. (2) book in which debit and credit items are entered in a summary form; ledger book. খতিয়ান করা (verb intransitive) pass into the ledger .
- Bengali Word খদ্দর English definition [Arabic] (noun) hand woven coarse cloth made of cotton yarn spinned by hand-driven spinning wheel, khadi. খদ্দরধারী (adjective) dressed in khadi. (noun) one in khadi.
- Bengali Word খদ্দের English definition = খরিদ্দার
- Bengali Word খনন English definition (noun) act of digging; excavation: খাল খনন, excavation of a canal. খনন করা (verb transitive) dig; excavate. খননকারী (noun) one who digs; a digger; an excavator. খননীয় (adjective) to be dug/excavated. খনিত (adjective) deg; excavated.
- Bengali Word খনা English definition (noun) khana, the lady of ancient Bengal celebrated for uncommon proficiency in astronomy and mathematics. খনার বচন (noun) any of the numerous rhymed sayings of Knana that have passed through ages as valuable guidance for tillage of the soil, plantation, harvesting, etc.