এ পৃষ্ঠা ১
- Bengali Word -এ English definition as a case-ending ‘এ’ has its use in all the cases in Bengali grammar: পাগলে (পাগল+এ) কিনা বলে; ধীরে (ধীর+এ) কথা বলা; তিলে (তিল+এ) তেল আছে আর কুসুমে (কুসুম+এ) সৌরভ, etc.
- Bengali Word এ ১ English definition (noun) the eighth vowel of the Bengali alphabet. It is an aspirate. It joins a consonant with its symbol ‘ে’, (for example)., ক+এ=কে.
- Bengali Word এ ২ English definition (pronoun), (adjective), (interjection) as a (pronoun) it is synonymous with ‘this’ and replaces a person as well as a material or immaterial object: এ কে? Who is this? এ ভালো নয়, this is not good. Used as (adjective) it indicates anything under reference: এ-পথে যেও না, Don’t go this way. ‘এ’ is also used as an (interjection), (for example) এ ভাই! hallo, brother!
- Bengali Word এঁকেবেঁকে English definition (adverb) in a winding manner, in a meandering manner; in a zigzag way.
- Bengali Word এঁচড় English definition = ইচড়
- Bengali Word এঁটে English definition (adverb) tightly; compactly: এঁটে বাঁধা, bind tightly.
- Bengali Word এঁটেল English definition (adjective) (1) sticky; adhesive. (2) slippery: এঁটেল মাটি, clayey soil.
- Bengali Word এঁটো, এঁঠো English definition (noun), (adjective) (of food) (1) scraps or left-overs in the plate; partly eaten. এঁটো-কাঁটা (noun) leavings of a meal. এঁটো খেকো (adjective) (abuse) depending on others’ charity. এঁটোপাত (noun) unwashed utensils after the meal is over. এঁটো হাত (noun) uncleaned/unwashed hands after having the meal.
- Bengali Word এঁদের English definition (pronoun) (respectful) their; theirs.
- Bengali Word এঁদো, এঁধো English definition (adjective) giving no access to light; dark; gloomy: এঁদো বাড়ি; dark, dirty and narrow: এঁদো গলি; overgrown with weeds: এঁদো পুকুর.
- Bengali Word এঁড়ে English definition (noun), (adjective) male (young of cattle); bull-calf: এঁড়ে বাছুর. এঁড়ে গলা (noun) heavy or husky voice. এঁড়ে লাগা (verb intransitive) suffer from dyspepsia or rickets.
- Bengali Word এঃ English definition (interjection) expressing displeasure, aversion, etc.
- Bengali Word এই English definition (pronoun) this, it: আমি এই চাই, I want this. (adjective) (something) near at hand; this: আমি এই বইটিই হারিয়েছিলাম, This is the book that I lost. (adverb) without delay; immediately: এই এলাম বলে, I’m just coming. (interjection) expressing wonder, panic, terror, etc: এই সেরেছে! এইরে! good heavens! এই অজুহাতে on this pretext/plea/excuse. এই কতক্ষণ just a little while ago. এই কারণে, এই জন্য for this reason; on account of this. এইক্ষণে (adverb) now, this (very) moment. এই প্রকারে in this way/manner. এই বেলা now that there is time; meanwhile. এই মর্মে to this effect. এইমাত্র just now; this much; just this. এইবার this time; on this occasion. এইরূপ (adjective) such; like this; similar. এইরূপে (adverb) in this way/manner.
- Bengali Word এইতো English definition (adjective) (1) just this: এইতো চেয়েছিলাম This is just what I wanted. (adverb) just now: এইতো এলাম, I’ve just arrived. এইতো কলির সন্ধে It is just the beginning of the trouble.
- Bengali Word এইসা English definition (adjective) such-like; of this type (compare Hindi ঐসা).
- Bengali Word এও English definition (pronoun) (1) that which is said: এও কি সম্ভব? (2) person who is referred to: এও সঙ্গে যাবে.
- Bengali Word এওজ, এওয়াজ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) exchange: এওজ-বদল, mutual exchange. এওজি (adjective) obtained by exchange: এওজি জমি. এওজে (adverb) in lieu of; in exchange of.
- Bengali Word এক English definition (noun) the number one. (adjective) (1) one and the same: এক মায়ের সন্তান. (2) united: তোমরা এক হও. (3) only one; absolute; unitarian: এক আল্লাহ্র আরাধনা. (4) same in rank or status; equal: একজাতি. (5) full; filled up: এক হাঁড়ি ভাত. (6) a certain; indefinite: এক ছিল রাজা. (7) one of a number: শিক্ষকদের একজন. (8) mixed up; amalgamated: চালে ডালে এক হওয়া. এক আঁচড়ে বোঝা understand by a cursory glance. এক আন্দাজ জরিপ survey of the entire estate at a time. এক মন দুধে এক ফোঁটা চোনা (figurative) A little of (something) odd or vicious can spoil the whole of a good thing. এক কান দিয়ে ঢোকে, আর এক কান দিয়ে বেরোয় in at one ear and out at the other. এক ক্ষুরে মাথা মুড়ানো (figurative) be of the same nature or luck. এক গেলাসের ইয়ার as intimate as one drinking from the same vessel; (figurative) intimate friend. এক চায় আর পায় One sows, another reaps. এক ঢিলে দুই পাখি মারা kill two birds with one stone; (figurative) achieve two goals with one strategy. এক বারের রোগী আর বারের ওঝা (prov) once a patient, the next time a physician; be trained in the school of experience. এক মাঘে শীত যায় না (prov) Chance of requital is never lost. এক মুখে দুই কথা going back (on) one’s word; blowing hot and cold in the same breath. এক যাত্রার পৃথক ফল Success or failure depends on individuals. এক হাতে তালি বাজে না (prov) It takes two to make a quarrel. এক হেঁসেলে দুই রাঁধুনি, পুড়ে গেল তার ফেনগালুনি (prov) A divided authority is never effective; Too many cooks spoil the broth.
- Bengali Word এক-এক English definition (adjective) (1) some; certain: এমন এক-এক জন লোক আছে, there are some/certain people... (2) different; diverse; various: এক-এক দেশে এক-এক নিয়ম, There are different customs in different countries. (3) one after another; one by one: এক-এক করে. এক-এক বার (adverb) sometimes; at times; occasionally.
- Bengali Word এক-গা English definition (adjective) (said of ornaments) covering the whole body: এক-গা গয়না.