অ পৃষ্ঠা ৬৩
- Bengali Word অর্চনা English definition (noun) worship; adoration. অর্চনা করা (verb intransitive) worship; adore; pay homage. অর্চনীয় (adjective) fit to be worshipped; adorable.
- Bengali Word অর্জন English definition (noun) (1) earning; income. (2) acquisition; acquirement. (3) gain; attainment. অর্জন করা (verb transitive) earn; acquire; gain; attain.
- Bengali Word অর্থ ১ English definition (noun) (1) money; wealth; property: অর্থোপার্জন. অথই অনর্থের মূল Money is at the root of all evils. (2) object; purpose: দেশ সেবার্থে দান. (3) truth; reality: যথার্থ. (4) aim; desire; prayer: বিদ্যার্থী. (5) the science of production and distribution of wealth; economics: অর্থ শাস্ত্র. অর্থকর, অর্থকরী (adjective) money-earning. অর্থকরী ফসল (noun) cash crop. অর্থকরী বিদ্যা (noun) professional/ vocational training; technical education. অর্থকষ্ট (noun) pecuniary hardship; financial stringency. অর্থ পিপাসু (adjective) greedy; avaricious. অর্থ পিপাসা (noun) greed for wealth; avarice. অর্থপ্রদ (adjective) yielding money; money-earning. অর্থবান (noun) wealthy; rich. অর্থ বিনিয়োগ (noun) investment. অর্থসঙ্কট (noun) financial crisis. অর্থ সঙ্গতি financial solvency.
- Bengali Word অর্থ ২ English definition (noun) meaning; import; significance. অর্থ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) interpret; explain; expound. অর্থ গৌরব (noun) (figurative) depth of meaning; richness of import; significance. অর্থপূর্ণ. অর্থবহ (adjective) meaningful; significant. অর্থ বিচার (noun) determination/ discrimination of meaning. অর্থভেদ (noun) difference in interpretation. অর্থ সঙ্গতি (noun) consistency in meaning. অর্থহানি (noun) misinterpretation. অর্থহীন (adjective) meaningless ,
- Bengali Word অর্থাগম English definition (noun) influx of money; income.
- Bengali Word অর্থান্তর English definition (noun) another meaning; different interpretation/meaning/significance. অর্থান্তর ন্যাস (noun) (rhetorical) figure of speech corroborating the general by the particular or the particular by the general; contrast of ideas; simile; metaphor; antithesis.
- Bengali Word অর্থাৎ English definition (conjunction) that is (ie=id est) that is to say; in other words.
- Bengali Word অর্ধ English definition (noun) half; any of the two halves. (adjective) divided into two parts; halt done; incomplete. (adverb) half; partly; in part; partially; incompletely. অর্ধচন্দ্র (noun) (1) crescent; half-moon. (2) (facetious) act of pushing (one) out by the neck. (3) a system of battle array. (4) Muslim symbol in national flags; crescent. অর্ধচন্দ্রাকার, অর্ধচন্দ্রাকৃতি (adjective) crescent-shaped. অর্ধনমিত (adjective) (of a flag) (lowered) at half-mast. অর্ধনিমীলিত (adjective) (of eyes) partially closed; half-shut. অর্ধপরিস্ফুট (adjective) half-articulate; indistinct. অর্ধবয়স্ক (adjective) middle-aged. অর্ধবৃত্ত (noun) semi-circle. অর্ধ ভূমণ্ডল (noun) a hemisphere. অর্ধমৃত (adjective) half dead; almost dead; more dead than alive; dying. অর্ধশয়ান (adjective) recumbent; reclining.
- Bengali Word অর্ধাংগ English definition = অর্ধাঙ্গ
- Bengali Word অর্ধাংশ English definition (noun) half-share; one of the two parts; a moiety.
- Bengali Word অর্ধাঙ্গ, অর্ধাংগ English definition (noun) (1) half of the body. (2) (facetious) husband. (3) paralysis affecting one side of the body; hemiplegia. অর্ধাঙ্গী, অদ্ধাঙ্গিনী (noun) (feminine) wife; better half.
- Bengali Word অর্ধাশন English definition (noun) half a meal; scanty food.
- Bengali Word অর্ধেক English definition (noun) = অর্ধ
- Bengali Word অর্পণ English definition (noun) (1) act of giving/offering/depositing; hand-over; make-over; committal; bestowal; delivery. অর্পণ করা (verb transitive) give; offer; hand over; make over; give away; deliver. অর্পয়িতা (noun), (adjective) one who gives/offers/delivers/hands over অর্পয়িত্রী (feminine) অর্পিত (adjective) handed over; delivered; deposited; bestowed; অর্পিতা (feminine).
- Bengali Word অর্বাচীন English definition (adjective) (1) posterior; younger; new; modern. (2) immature; inexperienced; unwise; foolish.
- Bengali Word অর্বুদ English definition (noun), (adjective) ten crores; one hundred million. (noun) a tumour; a kind of disease.
- Bengali Word অর্শ English definition (noun) disease of the rectum; piles; hemorrhoids.
- Bengali Word অর্হ English definition (adjective) worthy; deserving: দণ্ডার্হ. (noun) cost; price; value: মহার্হ.
- Bengali Word অলংকরণ English definition = অলঙ্করণ
- Bengali Word অলংকার English definition = অলঙ্কার