অ পৃষ্ঠা ৪২
- Bengali Word অন্ধকার English definition (noun) absence of light; darkness; gloom. (adjective) full of darkness: অন্ধকার রাত; darkened with dejection: অন্ধকার মুখ; ill-fated; having no happiness in life: অন্ধকার জীবন. অন্ধকার দেখা (verb transitive) be at one's wit's end; be confused/ bewildered. অন্ধকার দেখানো (verb transitive) overwhelm or bewilder with threat; make one cowed with fear. অন্ধকারে ঢিল মারা take a leap in the dark. অন্ধকারে থাকা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) be in the dark (about). অন্ধকারে হাতরানো (verb transitive) grope in the dark. অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন, অন্ধকারাবৃত (adjective) (1) overcast with darkness. (2) (figurative) enveloped in the gloom of ignorance.
- Bengali Word অন্ধানুকরণ English definition (noun) servile imitation. অন্ধানুকরণ করা (verb transitive) follow without discrimination.
- Bengali Word অন্ধিসন্ধি English definition (noun) (1) a fissure or cleft made by splitting of-parts; hole; chink; cavity. (2) ins and outs; secrets; secret intention. (3) inclination; design; whereabouts: মনের অন্ধিসন্ধি. (4) effort; endeavour; enterprise; a means; a way.
- Bengali Word অন্ধ্র English definition (noun) (1) the Andhra state of India. (2) the ancient Dravidian people inhabiting this part of india.
- Bengali Word অন্ন English definition (noun) (1) boiled rice. (2) food; edible things. অন্ন উঠা (verb transitive) (1) out of luck for food. (2) approach one's death. অন্ন কষ্ট, অন্নাভাব (noun) (1) want of food. (2) scarcity; famine. অন্নকুট, অন্নকোট (noun) stupendous heap of rice. অন্নগত প্রাণ (adjective) (derogatory) unable to go without food. অন্নচিন্তা (noun) bread-problem. অন্নচিন্তা চমৎকারা bread-problem preying heavily on the mind; bread-problem being the chief problem. অন্নছত্র, অন্নসত্র, অন্নক্ষেত্র (noun) center for charitable distribution of food/rice; poor-house. অন্নজল (noun) food and drink. অন্নজল ওঠা (verb transitive) run out one's longevity or term of employment. অন্নদা (adjective) (feminine) (1) bread-giving. (2) Hindu goddess Durga. অন্নদাতা (noun) one who maintains or supports. অন্নদাত্রী (feminine). অন্নদাস (adjective) slave to another for food and maintenance. অন্ননালী (noun) alimentary canal; gullet; oesophagus. অন্নপথ্য (noun) first rice-meal after recovery from illness. অন্নপানি (noun) food and drink. অন্নপায়ী (adjective) incapable of chewing solid food; one who swallows his food. অন্নপূর্ণা (noun) (feminine) (1) Hindu goddess Annapurna. (adjective) full of rice or food. অন্নপ্রাসন (noun) the ceremony of giving rice to a child for the first time. অন্নবস্ত্র (noun) food and clothing. অন্নভোজী (adjective) living on rice. (noun) rice-eater. অন্নময় (adjective) brimming with food. অন্নমুষ্টি (noun) a morsel of food; a small quantity of food. অন্নরস (noun) fluid derived from digested food; chyle. অন্নলোভাতুর (adjective) hungry for food; extremely desirous of having food. অন্নসংস্থান (noun) provision for food/ maintenance; means of livelihood. অন্নহীন (adjective) starving; famished; hungry. (noun) beggar.
- Bengali Word অন্বর্থ English definition (adjective) appropriate; consistent; significant; real; true. অন্বর্থনামা (adjective) having a name appropriate to one’s nature/ qualities/ properties.
- Bengali Word অন্বিত English definition (adjective) (1) possessed of; endowed with (আশান্বিত). (2) mutually related/ connected; (grammar) sequential; syntactic: অন্বিত বাক্য.
- Bengali Word অন্বিষ্ট English definition (adjective) sought for; looked for.
- Bengali Word অন্বীক্ষণ English definition (noun) (1) thought about the past; retrospection. (2) searching.
- Bengali Word অন্বীক্ষা English definition (noun) philosophy; logic.
- Bengali Word অন্বেষক English definition = অন্বেষণ
- Bengali Word অন্বেষণ English definition (noun) inquiry; search; quest; investigation. অন্বেষিত (adjective) searched; sought; researched; investigated. অন্বেষক (noun) researcher; investigator.
- Bengali Word অন্বয় English definition (noun) (grammar) (1) relation; syntax; (rules of) sentence construction. (2) connected line of ideas, etc; sequence. (3) succession; serial order. (4) agreement; concord. অন্বয়ী (adjective) related; connected; connecting; agreeing; concordant.
- Bengali Word অন্য English definition (pronoun) other. (adjective) some other; any other; different. অন্য-অন্য অন্যান্য. অন্যকৃত (adjective) done by some other person. অন্য কেউ (adjective) some one else. অন্যগত (adjective) (1) depending on others. (2) devoted/ attached to another. অন্যজন, অন্যজনা (pronoun) other people. অন্যত (conjunction) (1) from the other. (2) in a different way. (adverb) somewhere else; In a different place. অন্যতম (adjective) one of a number; any one of several persons/ things. অন্যতর (adjective) one or either of the two; the other. অন্যত্র (adverb) elsewhere; in some other place. অন্যথা (adverb), (conjunction) otherwise. (adjective) contrary; different. (noun) the contrary; contrariety; opposition; violation; exception; infringement. অন্যথা করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) do/act otherwise; disobey; violate; infringe. অন্যথা হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) be contrary to/different from. অন্যথাচরণ (noun) acting/ doing otherwise. অন্যদায়ী (adjective) belonging to another person; regarding others. অন্যপূর্বা (adjective) (feminine) formerly betrothed or married to someone else. অন্যপূর্ব mas. অন্য প্রকার/বিধ (adjective) of other/different kind(s). অন্য প্রকারে, অন্যভাবে (adverb) in a different way. অন্য মতে (adverb) according to a different view. অন্যমনস্ক, অন্যমনা, (adjective) not attentive; absent-minded; preoccupied with some other thought. অন্য মনস্কতা (noun) inattention; absent-mindedness. অন্য সাপেক্ষ (adjective) related to some other person/thing; relative.
- Bengali Word অন্যান্য English definition (adjective) (plural) (1) others. (2) different; various.
- Bengali Word অন্যায্য English definition (adjective) not just or fair; unjust; unreasonable; improper. অন্যায্যতা (noun) unjustness; impropriety; unreasonableness.
- Bengali Word অন্যার্থ [অন্য+অর্থ] English definition (noun) another or a different meaning. অন্যার্থক (adjective) having another/different meaning.
- Bengali Word অন্যাসক্ত [অন্য+আসক্ত] English definition (adjective) attached/devoted to a woman other than wife. অন্যাসক্তা (adjective) (feminine) unfaithful (to husband); unchaste.
- Bengali Word অন্যায় English definition (noun) (1) improper act; unjust action. (2) injustice; a wrong; a misdeed. (adjective) unjust; improper; unreasonable; wrongful. অন্যায় করা (verb transitive) do an injustice/a wrong; act improperly. অন্যায় কৃৎ (noun) wrong-doer; mischief-maker. অন্যায়ত, অন্যায়তঃ (adverb) unjustly; improperly; unreasonably; wrongfully. অন্যায়াচরণ (noun) improper conduct; unlawful action. অন্যায়াচারী (adjective) behaving improperly; acting unjustly/unreasonably. (noun) a wrong-doer.
- Bengali Word অন্যূন English definition (adjective) not less than; at least; in the least.