অ পৃষ্ঠা ৩৩
- Bengali Word অনুজ্ঞা English definition (noun) (1) order; command; permission; sanction. (2) commission; employment. (3) (grammar) imperative mood. অনুজ্ঞাত (adjective) ordered; commanded; permitted; licensed. অনুজ্ঞাধারী (noun) a licensee. অনুজ্ঞাপত্র (noun) a permit; a licence.
- Bengali Word অনুতপ্ত English definition (adjective) repentant; penitent; remorseful; contrite.
- Bengali Word অনুতাপ English definition (noun) repentance; penitence; contrition. অনুতাপ করা (verb transitive) repent. অনুতাপী (adjective) repentant; penitent. (noun) repenter.
- Bengali Word অনুত্তম English definition (adjective) (1) best; excellent: পরোপকার অনুত্তম ধর্ম. (2) inferior; worst; অনুত্তম বংশ.
- Bengali Word অনুত্তর English definition (adjective) (1) not responding/answering; silent. (2) what or who has no superior; best; supreme; final. (3) not belonging to the north; southern.
- Bengali Word অনুত্তীর্ণ English definition (adjective) (1) failed; unsuccessful: অনুত্তীর্ণ ছাত্র. (2) unsurmounted; unconquered: অনুত্তীর্ণ বিপদ. (3)uncrossed; untraversed: অনুত্তীর্ণ পথ. (4) unexpired: অনুত্তীর্ণকাল. অনুত্তীর্ণ হওয়া (verb transitive) fail or be unsuccessful.
- Bengali Word অনুদান English definition (noun) government grant. সহায়ক অনুদান (noun) grant-in-aid.
- Bengali Word অনুদার English definition (adjective) not liberal; ungenerous; mean; niggardly; miserly. অনুদারতা (noun) niggardliness; narrow-mindedness.
- Bengali Word অনুদিন English definition (adverb) day after day; daily; every day.
- Bengali Word অনুদৈর্ঘ্য English definition (adverb) along length; lengthwise. (adjective) longitudinal. অনুদৈর্ঘ্য তরঙ্গ (noun) longitudinal wave.
- Bengali Word অনুদ্গত English definition (adjective) not sprung or grown; not projecting.
- Bengali Word অনুদ্ঘাটিত English definition (adjective) not open; closed: অনুদ্ঘাটিতদ্বার; not revealed; undiscovered: অনুদ্ঘাটিত রহস্য.
- Bengali Word অনুধাবন English definition (noun) (1) running after; pursuit. (2) reflection; consideration. (3) attention; concentration. (4) seeking; searching. অনুধাবন করা (verb transitive) run after; pursue; ponder; reflect; consider; understand.
- Bengali Word অনুধ্যান English definition (noun) continuous thinking or remembrance; reflection; meditation; recollection. অনুধ্যান করা (verb transitive) recollect; meditate; wish for. অনুধ্যায়ী (adjective) thinking; recollecting; wishing good: তিনি আমার শুভানুধ্যায়ী [শুভ + অনুধ্যায়ী].
- Bengali Word অনুনাদ English definition (noun) sound reflected or rebounded; echo; resounding; resonance; reverberation. অনুনাদক (noun) a resonating device; resonator; sound box. অনুনাদিত (adjective) (1) echoed; resonated; reverberated; resounded. (2) sounded at a time; sounded simultaneously. (3) sounded. অনুনাদী (adjective) echoing; resonant; reverberant; resounding; having a similar sound; sounding simultaneously.
- Bengali Word অনুনাসিক English definition (adjective) nasal; uttered through the nose. (noun) (grammar) nasal sound or letter representing this sound (ঙ, ঞ, ণ, ন, ম, ং). অনুনাসিক সুরে (adverb) in a nasal tone or voice.
- Bengali Word অনুন্নত English definition (adjective) (1) backward; depressed: অনুন্নত সম্প্রদায়. (2) lacking in progress; underdeveloped: অনুন্নত দেশ. (3) not high or elevated; low.
- Bengali Word অনুনয় English definition (noun) earnest request; entreaty; prayer; supplication. অনুনয় করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) entreat; solicit; beseech; supplicate. অনুনয় বিনয় (noun) entreaties; solicitations; importunities. অনেক অনুনয় বিনয়ের পর (adverb) after great importunity. অনুনয়কারী (noun) the supplicant.
- Bengali Word অনুপকার English definition (noun) disservice; harm; injury. অনুপকারক (adjective) harmful; injurious. অনুপকার করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) do (one) harm/mischief; injure.
- Bengali Word অনুপকারিতা English definition (noun) harmfulness.