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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word ফুটকলাই, ফুটকলাই কড়াইEnglish definition(noun) a kind of peas which burst open when fried.
  • Bengali Word ফুটকিEnglish definition(noun) minute speckle; dot.
  • Bengali Word ফুটনEnglish definition(noun) 1 blooming; blowing; blossoming. 2 expression. 3 piercing; opening. 4 boiling; effervescence or rising in bubbles by being boiled; bursting open as a result of frying.
  • Bengali Word ফুটনোটEnglish definition[English] (noun) footnote.
  • Bengali Word ফুটন্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 blown; blossomed; blooming; blossoming. 2 boiling; effervescent; rising in bubbles as a result of boiling.
  • Bengali Word ফুটপাথ,ফুটপাতEnglish definition[English] (noun) footpath.
  • Bengali Word ফুটফুট, ফুটফাটEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) 1 bubbling noise. 2 cracking (sound of gunpowder explosion, etc). 3 growling noise in the abdomen (due to indigestion): পেট ফুটফুট করা, have rumbling sounds in the bowels.
  • Bengali Word ফুটফুটেEnglish definition(adjective) 1 very bright; silvery white; glittery; dazzling: ফুটফুটে জ্যোৎস্না. 2 very fair complexioned and good-looking; fair skinned; lovely little: ফুটফুটে মেয়ে. 3 cheerful; gay.
  • Bengali Word ফুটবলEnglish definition[English] (noun) football.
  • Bengali Word ফুটা ১English definition(noun) 1 hole; crack; crevice; pore; leak (adjective) porous; leaky; cracked; containing a hole or holes; punctured. 2 pierced.
  • Bengali Word ফুটা ২, ফোটাEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 bloom; blossom; flower: ফুল ফুটা. 2 become visible; rise; emerge; loom; go up: আকাশে তারা ফুটেছে. 3 be uttered / expressed: মুখ ফুটে কিছু বলা. 4 open: চোখ ফুটা, (figurative) become clever; be able to look to one’s own interests. 5 bubble up/ burble (when boiling): ভাত ফুটা. 6 parch; puff out: খই ফুটছে. 7 prick; be pricked: কাঁটা ফুটা. 8 begin to speak: বাচ্চার মুখে কথা ফুটেছে. 9 be expressed: ভাব ফুটে ওঠা. 10 become cracked: হাড়ির তলা ফুটে গেল. 11 ooze out: রক্ত ফুটে বের হওয়া. 12 make sound: তার তুড়ি ফোটে না. 13 be unfolded; become distinct or manifest: চরিত্র ফুটা. 14 = ফাটা. (adjective) full-blown; in (full) bloom; blooming. কথা ফুটা (verb intransitive) 1 (of children) begin to make use of speech; babble. 2 (figurative) find one’s tongue. দাঁত ফুটা (verb intransitive) 1 be pierced with teeth; be bitten. 2 (figurative) be accessible/ comprehensible. ফিনিক ফুটা sparkle/ glow (in the moonlight). বিয়ের ফুল ফুটা (verb intransitive) to be married soon. মুখে খই ফুটা (verb intransitive) become voluble/ eloquent; talk nineteen to the dozen. (মুখে) হাসি ফুটা (of smile) light up.
  • Bengali Word ফুটানিEnglish definition(noun) 1 ostentation; extravagance; pretentiousness; airs; pomposity; ostentatiousness; vanity. 2 biting words. দাঁত ফুটানি (noun) access to a subject; interference.
  • Bengali Word ফুটানো, ফোটানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) (causative of ফুটা) 1 cause to / make bloom; blossom or blow: ফুল ফুটানো. 2 cause to appear; rise. 3 cause to stand out: রং ফুটানো. 4 prick; pierce: হুল ফুটানো. দাঁত ফুটানো (verb intransitive) 1 pierce with teeth; bite. 2 (figurative) able to understand/ comprehend; interfere; meddle in: ওখানে দাঁত ফোটাবার জো নেই. 5 improve; ameliorate. 6 cause to effervesce or rise in bubbles as a result of boiling; boil or cook: চাল ফুটানো. 7 cause to puff out/ parch: খই ফুটানো. 8 express; cause to express intelligibly. 9 unfold; make distinct/ manifest. 10 puncture; prick: বেলুন ফুটানো.
  • Bengali Word ফুটিEnglish definition(noun) a variety of melon. ফুটিফাটা (adjective) thoroughly frayed/ rent asunder/ burst asunder. আহ্লাদে ফুটি-ফাটা (phrase) bubbling over with joy.
  • Bengali Word ফুটুসEnglish definition(adjective) (slang) absent; out; nonexistent; gone.
  • Bengali Word ফুটোন্মুখEnglish definition(adjective) about to burst open/ bloom.
  • Bengali Word ফুফাEnglish definition(noun) husband of one’s father’s sister. ফুফু (noun) (feminine) sister of one’s father. ফুফাত (adjective) descended from one’s father’s sister. ফুফাত ভাই/ বোন (noun) cousin (related as above).
  • Bengali Word ফুরকান, ফোরকানEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) the Qoran(distinguishing truth from falsehood).
  • Bengali Word ফুরনEnglish definition(noun) (archaic) piecework.
  • Bengali Word ফুরফুরEnglish definition(noun) 1 (onomatopoeia) sound denoting gentle blowing of wind; fluttering of cloth, hair, etc; rustle. 2 sound denoting fluttering of the wings of a fledgling. ফুরফুরানো (verb intransitive) 1 rustle; flutter; try to fly. 2 (figurative) get be fresh with; behave insolently with one’s elders. ফুরফুরে (adjective) gently blowing; fluttering; rustling. ফুরফুর হাওয়া (noun) gentle/ pleasant breeze.
  • Bengali Word ফুরসতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) leisure; respite; relief; rest; opportunity; leave. ফুরসত মাফিক at one’s leisure.
  • Bengali Word ফুরসিEnglish definition= ফরসি
  • Bengali Word ফুরানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (verb transitive) 1 end; come to an end; finish; terminate; conclude; close: আয়ু ফুরানো/ দিন ফুরানো/ পথ ফুরানো, গল্প ফুরানো. 2 be spent/ exhausted/ consumed: টাকা ফুরানো/ খাবার ফুরানো/ শক্তি ফুরানো. 3 be completed/ accomplished: কাজ ফুরিয়েছে. 4 settle; enter into/ make a contract. 5 cease to exist; be lost/ gone: আশা ফুরানো.
  • Bengali Word ফুর্তিEnglish definition(noun) joy; delight; merriment; amusement; thrill; fun; good time; agility: শরীরে ফুর্তি নেই. ফুর্তি করা (verb intransitive) have fun/ good time; amuse oneself. ফুর্তিবাজ (adjective) jovial; jolly; cheerful; light-hearted; out to enjoy oneself.
  • Bengali Word ফুল ১English definition(noun) 1 flower; blossom. 2 floral design of ornaments; floral designs of embroidery. ফুলওয়ালী (noun) (feminine) florist; flower-girl. ফুলকপি (noun) cauliflower. ফুল কাটা (adjective) embroidered with floral designs; floriated; floreated. ফুলকারি (noun) ornamental or decorated needlework; embroidery with floral designs. ফুলকোঁচা (adjective) frilled (like a flower); frilly. ফুলখড়ি (noun) (writing) chalk. ফুল খেলা (noun) playing with flowers. ফুল চন্দন (noun) flowers and sandal-paste (offered to receive or felicitate somebody with respect or affection). মুখে ফুল চন্দন পড়ুক (phrase) God bless you. ফুলছড়ি (noun) stick decorated with floral designs or shaped like a flowery bough. ফুল ঝাঁপা (noun) kind of earring in the form of a flower. ফুলঝুরি (noun) firework emitting starry sparks. ফুলটুকি (noun) honeysucker. ফুলটুসি (noun) a very thin-skinned/ sensitive girl or woman, who is easily hurt. ফুলতৈল (noun) scented or perfumed oil. ফুল-তোলা (noun) flower-gathering. (adjective) embroidered with floral designs; floriated; floreated. ফুলদান, ফুলদানি (noun) flower-vase. ফুলদোল (noun) a festival held in honour of Sri Krishna on the full moon day of Baishakh. ফুলধনু (noun) Madana, the god of love; a bow made of flowers. ফুলন্ত (adjective) in flowers; blossomed. ফুল বড়ি (noun) small conical ball made of the foamy paste of pigeon-pea and dried in the sun ( বড়ি). ফুল বাগান (noun) flower-garden. ফুলবাণ, ফুলশর (noun) Madana, the god of love; Madana's shaft (compare Cupid). ফুলবাবু (noun) a thorough dandy; a beau; fop; a playboy; a coxcomb. ফুলমালা (noun) garland of flowers. ফুলশয্যা (noun) (literally) a bed of flowers; the ceremony after marriage when the bride and the bridegroom are to sleep on a bed of flowers. ফুলতোলা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 pick/ pluck/ cull flowers. 2 embroider a floral design. ফুল দেওয়া (verb transitive) (according to Hindu rite) offer flowers (to a God). ফুল ধরা (verb intransitive) flower; be in blossom. ফুল পাড়া (verb transitive) = ফুল তোলা. ফুলের সাজি (noun) flower-basket. ফুলের ঘায়ে মূর্ছা যাওয়া (phrase) one who is hurt by trifles; be thin-skinned; display over-sensitiveness.
  • Bengali Word ফুল ২English definition(noun) (zoo) placenta. ফুল পড়া (verb intransitive) (of placenta) be expelled.
  • Bengali Word ফুল ৩English definition[English] (adjective) full; complete; large; standard: ফুল শার্ট, ফুল টিকিট.
  • Bengali Word ফুল ৪English definition[English] (noun) fool.
  • Bengali Word ফুলকপিEnglish definition(noun) cauliflower.
  • Bengali Word ফুলকাEnglish definition(noun) 1 gill (of a fish). 2 pouch-like formation under the eyes of a lock. (adjective) thin; hollow and inflated; puffed up: ফুলকা লুচি.